Politics & Government

How to Manage a Busy Schedule and Get Things Done - Ken Biberaj

In Chapter 10 of 21 in his 2012 Capture Your Flag interview, New York City Council candidate and public relations executive Ken Biberaj answers "What Do You Find Are the Keys to Managing a Busy Schedule and Getting Things Done?"  Biberaj shares the approach he uses to map, prioritize, and manage obligations across his personal and professional endeavors.  Ken Biberaj is currently a 2013 Candidate for New York City Council for the West Side of Manhattan.  He is also a public relations executive for the Russian Tea Room restaurant at One Fifty Fifty Seven Corporation, a family business focused on real estate development, investment sales and retail leasing.  Previously he was Florida Research Director for the Kerry-Edwards for President Campaign. He holds a JD from New York Law School, a Masters in Public Policy (MPP) from Harvard University Kennedy School of Government, and a BA in Political Science from American University. 

How Real Estate Jobs Teach How Communities Work - Ken Biberaj

In Chapter 14 of 21 in his 2012 Capture Your Flag interview, New York City Council candidate and public relations executive Ken Biberaj answers "What Has Your Real Estate Experience Taught You About Community?"  Biberaj notes how real estate job experience informs a better understanding of community, from schools and small business to housing and recreation.  He finds real estate fundamental to understanding urban development and building livable communities.  Ken Biberaj is currently a 2013 Candidate for New York City Council for the West Side of Manhattan.  He is also a public relations executive for the Russian Tea Room restaurant at One Fifty Fifty Seven Corporation, a family business focused on real estate development, investment sales and retail leasing.  Previously he was Florida Research Director for the Kerry-Edwards for President Campaign. He holds a JD from New York Law School, a Masters in Public Policy (MPP) from Harvard University Kennedy School of Government, and a BA in Political Science from American University. 

How Small Business Work Shapes Political Aspiration - Ken Biberaj

In Chapter 15 of 21 in his 2012 Capture Your Flag interview, New York City Council candidate and public relations executive Ken Biberaj answers "How Has Learning About Small Business Operations Shaped Your Political Ambition?"  By working at a small business and by speaking with small business owners, Biberaj learns challenges each faces working in a big city, competing against larger corporations, and finds purpose positioning himself as a small business advocate in his political campaign.  Ken Biberaj is currently a 2013 Candidate for New York City Council for the West Side of Manhattan.  He is also a public relations executive for the Russian Tea Room restaurant at One Fifty Fifty Seven Corporation, a family business focused on real estate development, investment sales and retail leasing.  Previously he was Florida Research Director for the Kerry-Edwards for President Campaign. He holds a JD from New York Law School, a Masters in Public Policy (MPP) from Harvard University Kennedy School of Government, and a BA in Political Science from American University.

How Politician Learns Small Business Community Needs - Ken Biberaj

In Chapter 16 of 21 in his 2012 Capture Your Flag interview, New York City Council candidate and public relations executive Ken Biberaj answers "What Has Working on a Small Community Bank in New York Taught You About Small Business?"  Biberaj learns about the challenges that come with running a small business in a world dominated by large corporate entities.  By serving on a board of a community bank in Long Island, New York, Biberaj better understands the pressures of running a small bank and how he might help community banking as his political career develops.  Ken Biberaj is currently a 2013 Candidate for New York City Council for the West Side of Manhattan.  He is also a public relations executive for the Russian Tea Room restaurant at One Fifty Fifty Seven Corporation, a family business focused on real estate development, investment sales and retail leasing.  Previously he was Florida Research Director for the Kerry-Edwards for President Campaign. He holds a JD from New York Law School, a Masters in Public Policy (MPP) from Harvard University Kennedy School of Government, and a BA in Political Science from American University. 

How Marriage Relationship Guides Career Decisions - Ken Biberaj

In Chapter 17 of 21 in his 2012 Capture Your Flag interview, New York City Council candidate and public relations executive Ken Biberaj answers "How Has Getting Married Changed Your Life?"  Biberaj shares how meeting his wife Valerie has been so impactful in his life.  He shares how the relationship has helped understand why he does what he does support him through the process of deciding to run for public office.  Ken Biberaj is currently a 2013 Candidate for New York City Council for the West Side of Manhattan.  He is also a public relations executive for the Russian Tea Room restaurant at One Fifty Fifty Seven Corporation, a family business focused on real estate development, investment sales and retail leasing.  Previously he was Florida Research Director for the Kerry-Edwards for President Campaign. He holds a JD from New York Law School, a Masters in Public Policy (MPP) from Harvard University Kennedy School of Government, and a BA in Political Science from American University. 

How to Launch a City Council Political Campaign - Ken Biberaj

In Chapter 18 of 21 in his 2012 Capture Your Flag interview, New York City Council candidate and public relations executive Ken Biberaj answers "What Has Been Your Approach to Launching Your Campaign for City Council?"  Biberaj shares the steps leading to his decision to run for City Council in New York and how he has tapped his network to organize build a largely volunteer team 18-24 months in advance of the 2013 election.  Ken Biberaj is currently a 2013 Candidate for New York City Council for the West Side of Manhattan.  He is also a public relations executive for the Russian Tea Room restaurant at One Fifty Fifty Seven Corporation, a family business focused on real estate development, investment sales and retail leasing.  Previously he was Florida Research Director for the Kerry-Edwards for President Campaign. He holds a JD from New York Law School, a Masters in Public Policy (MPP) from Harvard University Kennedy School of Government, and a BA in Political Science from American University. 

How to Build Relationship Trust - Ken Biberaj

In Chapter 19 of 21 in his 2012 Capture Your Flag interview, New York City Council candidate and public relations executive Ken Biberaj answers "How Do You Establish Trust When Building Relationships?"  Biberaj shares the challenge of creating relationship trust working real estate business and government public service.  He shares the importance of managing risks while being outgoing, sincere and committed to building relationships over time.  Ken Biberaj is currently a 2013 Candidate for New York City Council for the West Side of Manhattan.  He is also a public relations executive for the Russian Tea Room restaurant at One Fifty Fifty Seven Corporation, a family business focused on real estate development, investment sales and retail leasing.  Previously he was Florida Research Director for the Kerry-Edwards for President Campaign. He holds a JD from New York Law School, a Masters in Public Policy (MPP) from Harvard University Kennedy School of Government, and a BA in Political Science from American University. 

How a Strong Network Can Advance Your Career - Ken Biberaj

In Chapter 20 of 21 in his 2012 Capture Your Flag interview, New York City Council candidate and public relations executive Ken Biberaj answers "How Do You Use Your Network to Get Help Making Career and Life Decisions?"  Biberaj highlights the good fortune he has found cultivating his network by staying engaged, showing up, and finding ways to serve others.  He shares how these relationships are now fundamental to his campaign efforts running for political office.  Ken Biberaj is currently a 2013 Candidate for New York City Council for the West Side of Manhattan.  He is also a public relations executive for the Russian Tea Room restaurant at One Fifty Fifty Seven Corporation, a family business focused on real estate development, investment sales and retail leasing.  Previously he was Florida Research Director for the Kerry-Edwards for President Campaign. He holds a JD from New York Law School, a Masters in Public Policy (MPP) from Harvard University Kennedy School of Government, and a BA in Political Science from American University.

Why Consistency is Fundamental to Good Communication - Ken Biberaj

In Chapter 21 of 21 in his 2012 Capture Your Flag interview, New York City Council candidate and public relations executive Ken Biberaj answers "How Are You Learning to Communicate More Effectively?"  Biberaj shares the importance of consistency in his messaging, whether it is promoting the Russian Tea Room or running for political office.  He notes the different modes of communication and how consistency across mediums drives positive results.  Ken Biberaj is currently a 2013 Candidate for New York City Council for the West Side of Manhattan.  He is also a public relations executive for the Russian Tea Room restaurant at One Fifty Fifty Seven Corporation, a family business focused on real estate development, investment sales and retail leasing.  Previously he was Florida Research Director for the Kerry-Edwards for President Campaign. He holds a JD from New York Law School, a Masters in Public Policy (MPP) from Harvard University Kennedy School of Government, and a BA in Political Science from American University. 

How Social Media Agency Expands into Middle East - Mike Germano

In Chapter 17 of 19 in his 2012 Capture Your Flag interview, social media ad agency CEO Mike Germano answers "How Did You Go About the Decision to Expand Your Business Internationally?"  Germano walks through the process he and his team took to bring his social media agency into the Middle East, specifically the United Arab Emirates (UAE).  With an office in Dubai and a satellite office in Abu Dhabi, Germano believes he can tap into new talent and business opportunities not currently being met by services elsewhere.  Mike Germano is co-founder and CEO of DUMBO, Brooklyn based social media advertising agency Carrot Creative.  Previously, Germano ran for and was elected to public office in Connecticut.  He is a graduate of Quinnipiac University. 

How to Be a More Effective Community Leader - Kyung Yoon

In Chapter 12 of 19 in her 2011 Capture Your Flag interview, non-profit executive Kyung Yoon answers "What Does It Mean to Be a Leader in What You Do?"  Through experience, Yoon learns to lead by working with stakeholders and bringing different people together by being a good listener, taking charge, and driving decisions in the context of an organization.  She adds the importance of being accountable and responsive on a consistent basis.  Kyung Yoon is the executive director of the Korean American Community Foundation (KACF) in New York City.  An award-winning journalist and documentary film producer, Yoon earned an MA in International Relations from Johns Hopkins University and a BA in History and Political Science at Wellesley College.

How Inspirational Leaders Teach Big Thinking - Andrew Hutson

In Chapter 9 of 17 in his 2011 Capture Your Flag interview, Andrew Hutson answers "What Has Reading Gandhi Taught You About How You Set Goals?"  Ghandi teaches Hutson why and how to think big, especially when and where it is needed.  This big thinking helps Hutson set seemingly impossible to accomplish goals in his own work in the environment.  Hutson is a senior project manager at the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), where he advises corporate partners such as Wal-Mart on sustainable supply chain initiatives.  Hutson holds a PhD from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and an MEM from the Duke University Nicholas School of the Environment.  He earned his BA from Michigan State University. 

How Politics Impact Non-Profit Environmental Career - Andrew Hutson

In Chapter 10 of 17 in his 2011 Capture Your Flag interview, Andrew Hutson answers "How Does Politics Effect What You Do in Your Non-Profit Environmental Work?"  From an environmental community perspective, Hutson has seen it go from being on the verge of transformative legislation to combat climate change to needing to defend the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) right to do its job.  While Hutson finds some shelter working for private sector clients, he still feels the public and media pressures and resistance to general environmental and sustainability efforts.  Hutson is a senior project manager at the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), where he advises corporate partners such as Wal-Mart on sustainable supply chain initiatives.  Hutson holds a PhD from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and an MEM from the Duke University Nicholas School of the Environment.  He earned his BA from Michigan State University. 


How Environmental Innovation Works in the Private Sector - Andrew Hutson

In Chapter 13 of 17 in his 2011 Capture Your Flag interview, Andrew Hutson answers "What Has Your Environmental Work at Intersection of Public and Private Sectors Taught You About What Makes Innovation Work?"  First, Hutson notes, comes value creation.  This comes before solving problems or identifying needs.  Private sector environmental value creation and profitability must precede environmental benefit.  Hutson is a senior project manager at the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), where he advises corporate partners such as Wal-Mart on sustainable supply chain initiatives.  Hutson holds a PhD from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and an MEM from the Duke University Nicholas School of the Environment.  He earned his BA from Michigan State University. 

How Project Manager Gets Chance to Work Abroad in China - Andrew Hutson

In Chapter 14 of 17 in his 2011 Capture Your Flag interview, Andrew Hutson "How Did You Get the Opportunity to Work Abroad in Hong Kong and Shanghai?"  Hutson, a project manager at the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), works on projects in energy efficiency and manufacturing.  This client work in consumer goods and retail takes him to Hong Kong and southern China, where Hutson has the opportunity to meet ambitious, energetic young professionals working  to make China a better country and become industry leaders.  Hutson is a senior project manager at the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), where he advises corporate partners such as Wal-Mart on sustainable supply chain initiatives.  Hutson holds a PhD from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and an MEM from the Duke University Nicholas School of the Environment.  He earned his BA from Michigan State University. 

Stacie Bloom on Solving Problems With Public Private Partnerships

In Chapter 18 of 19 in her 2011 Capture Your Flag interview with host Erik Michielsen, Stacie Grossman Bloom answers "What are Public Private Partnerships and Why are They Important to What You Do?" She notes these public private partnerships are alliances that bring together academic and industry groups to collaborate and drive fields forward. In her experience at the Sackler Institute, Grossman Bloom notes how public private partnerships also enable traditional competing firms such as Coke and Pepsi to come together, share information, and work with universities to solve global problems.

Stacie Grossman Bloom is the Executive Director at the NYU Neuroscience Institute at NYU Langone Medical Center. Previously, she was VP and Scientific Director at the New York Academy of Sciences (NYAS). She earned her PhD in Neurobiology and Cell Biology at Georgetown University and did a post-doctoral fellowship at Rockefeller University in New York City. She earned her BA in Chemistry and Psychology from the University of Delaware.


Erik Michielsen: What are public private partnerships and why are they important in what you do?

Stacie Grossman Bloom: So public private partnerships are alliances that bring together industry people with academic people, typically, and why they are important is because very often and historically those two sectors have been siloed. A lot of people believe that by forcing conversations between those two sectors and increasing collaborations and cross-fertilizations of ideas, that you can drive fields forward.

Erik Michielsen: So, why are they important to the nutrition science program that you’ve just launched?

Stacie Grossman Bloom: A public private partnership is a really important element of the Sackler Institute because it brings often-competing groups of people to the table and forces them to talk in a more collaborative way, to hopefully drive progress in the field. In our public private partnership we currently have a number of leaders who have come on board. This includes Pepsi, Coke, Pfizer, Abbott, Johnson & Johnson, DSM, Nestle. I think it’s pretty clear what the impact is of bringing these mega companies together at one table. But then when you are also introducing the academic partners, Cornell, Columbia, Tufts, Hopkins, Wageningen University, universities from all over the world. You are starting with such a powerful group of people and sharing information that may not normally be exchanged.

Learning Productivity from Austin Mayor Lee Leffingwell - Matt Curtis

In Chapter 3 of 18 in his 2011 Capture Your Flag interview with host Erik Michielsen, public affairs and communications strategist Matt Curtis answers "What Has Mayor Lee Leffingwell Taught You About Being More Productive?" Curtis notes that Leffingwell, a 71-year old man, has led by example, teaching Curtis to get things done as they come up. Curtis learns to tackle his to-do list as things come up. He finds he is making progress, incrementally reducing his lists as he continues to emulate his boss, the 51st mayor of Austin, Texas. Curtis is the communications director for Austin mayor Lee Leffingwell. Curtis' charity work includes affiliations with Capital Area Food Bank, Big Brothers, Big Sisters, Students of the World, the Rainforest Project and the Art Alliance. In 2011, Curtis won "Austinite of the Year" in the Austin Under 40 Awards. He earned his bachelor's degree in radio, television and film from the University of North Texas.

How to Make Your Leader More Effective - Matt Curtis

In Chapter 4 of 18 in his 2011 Capture Your Flag interview with host Erik Michielsen, public affairs and communications strategist Matt Curtis answers "How Do You Make a Leader More Effective in What You Do?" He notes the importance of supporting them and focusing not on individual aims but the aims of the elected official. Curtis notes the daily challenges elected officials face with nonstop interaction. He amplifies leadership effectiveness by providing a positive environment and also identifying and making introductions that support his leader's aims. Curtis is the communications director for Austin mayor Lee Leffingwell. Curtis' charity work includes affiliations with Capital Area Food Bank, Big Brothers, Big Sisters, Students of the World, the Rainforest Project and the Art Alliance. In 2011, Curtis won "Austinite of the Year" in the Austin Under 40 Awards. He earned his bachelor's degree in radio, television and film from the University of North Texas.