Video Interviews — Capture Your Flag

Ken Biberaj

Ken Biberaj is a public relations executive for the Russian Tea Room restaurant at One Fifty Fifty Seven Corporation, a family business focused on real estate development, investment sales and retail leasing. In 2013, Biberaj ran for public office as a Democratic Candidate for New York City Council for the West Side of Manhattan. Previously Biberaj was Florida Research Director for the Kerry-Edwards for President Campaign. He holds a JD from New York Law School, a Masters in Public Policy (MPP) from Harvard University Kennedy School of Government, and a BA in Political Science from American University.

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Ken Biberaj on What Gets Easier and What Gets Harder

In Chapter 1 of 23 in his 2013 Capture Your Flag interview, New York City Council Candidate Ken Biberaj answers "What is Getting Easier and What is Getting Harder in Your Life?" Biberaj notes campaigning for office has helped him get better at talking to strangers. Campaigning for over a year, Biberaj learns to get into a daily routine of meeting voters. During this time, he becomes a father and with his wife, learns that the joys of fatherhood come with the sacrifice of not sleeping as much.

Ken Biberaj is currently a 2013 Democratic Candidate for City Council in New York City. He is also a public relations executive for the Russian Tea Room restaurant at One Fifty Fifty Seven Corporation, a family business focused on real estate development, investment sales and retail leasing. Previously Biberaj was Florida Research Director for the Kerry-Edwards for President Campaign. Biberaj holds a JD from New York Law School, a Masters in Public Policy (MPP) from Harvard University Kennedy School of Government, and a BA in Political Science from American University. 

Ken Biberaj on Aspiring to Be a Role Model Father Just Like His Dad

In Chapter 2 of 23 in his 2013 Capture Your Flag interview, New York City Council Candidate Ken Biberaj answers "To What Do You Aspire as a Father?" Biberaj notes how his role model father inspired his public service career goals, including running for City Council. As he thinks about how he will raise his newborn son, Hudson, Biberaj looks to the ideals his father taught him - from working hard to playing by the rules to focusing on helping other people. Ken Biberaj is currently a 2013 Democratic Candidate for City Council in New York City. He is also a public relations executive for the Russian Tea Room restaurant at One Fifty Fifty Seven Corporation, a family business focused on real estate development, investment sales and retail leasing. Previously Biberaj was Florida Research Director for the Kerry-Edwards for President Campaign. Biberaj holds a JD from New York Law School, a Masters in Public Policy (MPP) from Harvard University Kennedy School of Government, and a BA in Political Science from American University. 

Ken Biberaj on Getting Parenting Advice Before Becoming a Dad

In Chapter 3 of 23 in his 2013 Capture Your Flag interview, New York City Council Candidate Ken Biberaj answers "How Did You Go About Getting Advice as You Prepared for Parenthood?" Biberaj notes his policy was to ask everybody for advice. He focuses much of his inquiry asking his parents and wife's parents. As a new parent, Biberaj learns how physical it can be to care for a newborn baby. Ken Biberaj is currently a 2013 Democratic Candidate for City Council in New York City. He is also a public relations executive for the Russian Tea Room restaurant at One Fifty Fifty Seven Corporation, a family business focused on real estate development, investment sales and retail leasing. Previously Biberaj was Florida Research Director for the Kerry-Edwards for President Campaign. Biberaj holds a JD from New York Law School, a Masters in Public Policy (MPP) from Harvard University Kennedy School of Government, and a BA in Political Science from American University. 

Ken Biberaj on How Becoming a Father Puts Life in a New Perspective

In Chapter 4 of 23 in his 2013 Capture Your Flag interview, New York City Council Candidate Ken Biberaj answers "How Has Becoming a Father Put Your Life in a New Perspective?" Becoming a father allows Biberaj to look at his political career goals and family goals in a new way. Fatherhood helps him better see that working to improve the community ties to the development of his son and how school quality, public safety, and small businesses play a role in shaping that environment. Ken Biberaj is currently a 2013 Democratic Candidate for City Council in New York City. He is also a public relations executive for the Russian Tea Room restaurant at One Fifty Fifty Seven Corporation, a family business focused on real estate development, investment sales and retail leasing. Previously Biberaj was Florida Research Director for the Kerry-Edwards for President Campaign. Biberaj holds a JD from New York Law School, a Masters in Public Policy (MPP) from Harvard University Kennedy School of Government, and a BA in Political Science from American University. 

Ken Biberaj on How Life Experiences Change Your Aspirations

In Chapter 5 of 23 in his 2013 Capture Your Flag interview, New York City Council Candidate Ken Biberaj answers "How Are Your Aspirations Changing As Your Experience Grows?" Biberaj finds assessing each of his aspirations in a vacuum helps him with goal setting. Personally, as a new father, he is putting a priority on spending more time at home to be the best father he can be. Professionally, he tries to understand what is in his control and what is not and to focus his efforts on what he can do to make a difference in his community.

Ken Biberaj is currently a 2013 Democratic Candidate for City Council in New York City. He is also a public relations executive for the Russian Tea Room restaurant at One Fifty Fifty Seven Corporation, a family business focused on real estate development, investment sales and retail leasing. Previously Biberaj was Florida Research Director for the Kerry-Edwards for President Campaign. Biberaj holds a JD from New York Law School, a Masters in Public Policy (MPP) from Harvard University Kennedy School of Government, and a BA in Political Science from American University. 

Ken Biberaj on How Reflecting on His Past Shapes Future Decisions

In Chapter 6 of 23 in his 2013 Capture Your Flag interview, New York City Council Candidate Ken Biberaj answers "What Role Has Reflection Played in Shaping Your Personal Growth?" Biberaj reflects back on his past - going through notes, watching videos, etc. - because he sees his past as what has laid a foundation for his future. As a politician, he also is reminded that reflecting back on past voter conversations by following up with phone calls helps him stay current and engaged with his community.

Ken Biberaj is currently a 2013 Democratic Candidate for City Council in New York City. He is also a public relations executive for the Russian Tea Room restaurant at One Fifty Fifty Seven Corporation, a family business focused on real estate development, investment sales and retail leasing. Previously Biberaj was Florida Research Director for the Kerry-Edwards for President Campaign. Biberaj holds a JD from New York Law School, a Masters in Public Policy (MPP) from Harvard University Kennedy School of Government, and a BA in Political Science from American University. 

Ken Biberaj on Performing Under Pressure and Staying On Message

In Chapter 7 of 23 in his 2013 Capture Your Flag interview, New York City Council Candidate Ken Biberaj answers "What Does It Mean to Perform Under Pressure in the Work That You Do?" Biberaj notes that given how easy it is to record audio and video and given the seriousness of the city council role, it is important he treats his role of a political candidate for public office with respect. With this comes a need to stay on message when speaking publicly to voters.

Ken Biberaj is currently a 2013 Democratic Candidate for City Council in New York City. He is also a public relations executive for the Russian Tea Room restaurant at One Fifty Fifty Seven Corporation, a family business focused on real estate development, investment sales and retail leasing. Previously Biberaj was Florida Research Director for the Kerry-Edwards for President Campaign. Biberaj holds a JD from New York Law School, a Masters in Public Policy (MPP) from Harvard University Kennedy School of Government, and a BA in Political Science from American University. 

Ken Biberaj on Learning the Campaign Finance Part of Politics

In Chapter 8 of 23 in his 2013 Capture Your Flag interview, New York City Council Candidate Ken Biberaj answers "What Did Raising Money for the Primary Election Teach You About Campaign Finance?" Biberaj learns how New York City creates a grassroots campaign finance system via its matching program. This creates spending limits and also helps make every contribution count. He compares this to what he saw working the Kerry-Edwards presidential campaign and how 527 independent expenditures, for example, change the dynamics of an election and its influencers.

Ken Biberaj is currently a 2013 Democratic Candidate for City Council in New York City. He is also a public relations executive for the Russian Tea Room restaurant at One Fifty Fifty Seven Corporation, a family business focused on real estate development, investment sales and retail leasing. Previously Biberaj was Florida Research Director for the Kerry-Edwards for President Campaign. Biberaj holds a JD from New York Law School, a Masters in Public Policy (MPP) from Harvard University Kennedy School of Government, and a BA in Political Science from American University.

Ken Biberaj on Capabilities and Limitations of a City Council Member

In Chapter 9 of 23 in his 2013 Capture Your Flag interview, New York City Council Candidate Ken Biberaj answers "What Do You Understand the Capabilities and Limitations of a City Council Position to Be?" Biberaj voters may not always know what a city council member can and cannot do. He works to educate them on specific ways he can affect change working in city government and also how he can use soft power to influence higher level officials including members of Congress, senators and governors.

Ken Biberaj is currently a 2013 Democratic Candidate for City Council in New York City. He is also a public relations executive for the Russian Tea Room restaurant at One Fifty Fifty Seven Corporation, a family business focused on real estate development, investment sales and retail leasing. Previously Biberaj was Florida Research Director for the Kerry-Edwards for President Campaign. Biberaj holds a JD from New York Law School, a Masters in Public Policy (MPP) from Harvard University Kennedy School of Government, and a BA in Political Science from American University. 

Ken Biberaj on What It Means to Be a Confident Candidate for Office

In Chapter 10 of 23 in his 2013 Capture Your Flag interview, New York City Council Candidate Ken Biberaj answers "What Role Does Confidence Play in the Work That You Do?" As an underdog candidate campaigning for office for the first time, Biberaj shares his need to balance initiative and persistence with respect, humility and modesty.

Ken Biberaj is currently a 2013 Democratic Candidate for City Council in New York City. He is also a public relations executive for the Russian Tea Room restaurant at One Fifty Fifty Seven Corporation, a family business focused on real estate development, investment sales and retail leasing. Previously Biberaj was Florida Research Director for the Kerry-Edwards for President Campaign. Biberaj holds a JD from New York Law School, a Masters in Public Policy (MPP) from Harvard University Kennedy School of Government, and a BA in Political Science from American University.

Ken Biberaj on Getting Political Endorsements Running for Office

In Chapter 11 of 23 in his 2013 Capture Your Flag interview, New York City Council Candidate Ken Biberaj answers "As a Candidate for Public Office, How Are You Going About Asking for Endorsements?" While campaigning, Biberaj regularly has voter groups representing the environment to union workers to political interests ask for meetings. He tries to meet everyone and, while an underdog, knows those relationships will matter over time if he is elected to serve his community. He also connects with influencers, including former New York Governor David Patterson, to get counsel, support, and, in some instances, an endorsement.

Ken Biberaj is currently a 2013 Democratic Candidate for City Council in New York City. He is also a public relations executive for the Russian Tea Room restaurant at One Fifty Fifty Seven Corporation, a family business focused on real estate development, investment sales and retail leasing. Previously Biberaj was Florida Research Director for the Kerry-Edwards for President Campaign. Biberaj holds a JD from New York Law School, a Masters in Public Policy (MPP) from Harvard University Kennedy School of Government, and a BA in Political Science from American University. 

Ken Biberaj on Creative Ways to Campaign for Office on a Budget

In Chapter 12 of 23 in his 2013 Capture Your Flag interview, New York City Council Candidate Ken Biberaj answers "What Different Approaches Are You Taking to Connect Personally with Voters?" Limited by budget from running radio and television ads, Biberaj connects with voters by taking the campaign to them. He holds house parties in their buildings, visits grocery stores in their neighborhoods, and, for over a year, stands outside subway stops each day to say hello and talk to voters.

Ken Biberaj is currently a 2013 Democratic Candidate for City Council in New York City. He is also a public relations executive for the Russian Tea Room restaurant at One Fifty Fifty Seven Corporation, a family business focused on real estate development, investment sales and retail leasing. Previously Biberaj was Florida Research Director for the Kerry-Edwards for President Campaign. Biberaj holds a JD from New York Law School, a Masters in Public Policy (MPP) from Harvard University Kennedy School of Government, and a BA in Political Science from American University. 

Ken Biberaj on How to Build Name Recognition Running for Office

In Chapter 13 of 23 in his 2013 Capture Your Flag interview, New York City Council Candidate Ken Biberaj answers "What Are the Challenges to Building Name Recognition and How Are You Addressing Them?" As an underdog in a highly competitive political election, Biberaj finds a balance between social media, mail, and email outreach and shaking hands and meeting voters every morning at subway stations and street corners before work.

Ken Biberaj is currently a 2013 Democratic Candidate for City Council in New York City. He is also a public relations executive for the Russian Tea Room restaurant at One Fifty Fifty Seven Corporation, a family business focused on real estate development, investment sales and retail leasing. Previously Biberaj was Florida Research Director for the Kerry-Edwards for President Campaign. Biberaj holds a JD from New York Law School, a Masters in Public Policy (MPP) from Harvard University Kennedy School of Government, and a BA in Political Science from American University. 

Ken Biberaj on How to Distinguish Yourself From Campaign Rivals

In Chapter 14 of 23 in his 2013 Capture Your Flag interview, New York City Council Candidate Ken Biberaj answers "How Do You Distinguish Yourself and Your Positions From Your Rivals in the Primary Campaign?" In a crowded Democratic field, Biberaj, the youngest candidate, shares how he differentiates himself and his campaign platform by focusing on the intersection of non-profits, government, and business and his experience across all three.

Ken Biberaj is currently a 2013 Democratic Candidate for City Council in New York City. He is also a public relations executive for the Russian Tea Room restaurant at One Fifty Fifty Seven Corporation, a family business focused on real estate development, investment sales and retail leasing. Previously Biberaj was Florida Research Director for the Kerry-Edwards for President Campaign. Biberaj holds a JD from New York Law School, a Masters in Public Policy (MPP) from Harvard University Kennedy School of Government, and a BA in Political Science from American University. 

Ken Biberaj on Why to Make Time in Your Schedule to Mentor Students

In Chapter 15 of 23 in his 2013 Capture Your Flag interview, New York City Council Candidate Ken Biberaj answers "Why Do You Make Time in Your Schedule to Mentor College Students?" Biberaj shares what he has learned being a mentor to first-generation college students at New York Needs You. For him, the rewards of making time for mentoring come down to helping students compete for and get great internships and jobs.

Ken Biberaj is currently a 2013 Democratic Candidate for City Council in New York City. He is also a public relations executive for the Russian Tea Room restaurant at One Fifty Fifty Seven Corporation, a family business focused on real estate development, investment sales and retail leasing. Previously Biberaj was Florida Research Director for the Kerry-Edwards for President Campaign. Biberaj holds a JD from New York Law School, a Masters in Public Policy (MPP) from Harvard University Kennedy School of Government, and a BA in Political Science from American University. 

Ken Biberaj on Why to Talk Less and Listen More When Running for Office

In Chapter 16 of 23 in his 2013 Capture Your Flag interview, New York City Council Candidate Ken Biberaj answers "What Campaign Skills Have You Improved the Most Over the Past Year?" Biberaj shares how his conversation goals have shifted away from communicating his message and toward asking voters about the issues that concern them. This has allowed community member feedback to help shape the campaign agenda and make the Biberaj for City Council campaign more personal.

Ken Biberaj is currently a 2013 Democratic Candidate for City Council in New York City. He is also a public relations executive for the Russian Tea Room restaurant at One Fifty Fifty Seven Corporation, a family business focused on real estate development, investment sales and retail leasing. Previously Biberaj was Florida Research Director for the Kerry-Edwards for President Campaign. Biberaj holds a JD from New York Law School, a Masters in Public Policy (MPP) from Harvard University Kennedy School of Government, and a BA in Political Science from American University.

Ken Biberaj on Learning Who and How to Ask for Feedback

In Chapter 17 of 23 in his 2013 Capture Your Flag interview, New York City Council Candidate Ken Biberaj answers "At This Moment in Your Life, Where Are You Seeking Advice and Coaching?" Beyond his campaign team and family, Biberaj finds it surprising how willing neighbors have been to offer coaching tips and feedback. After hosting campaign house parties, Biberaj follows up with phone calls and asks "What Can I Do Better?" Ken Biberaj is currently a 2013 Democratic Candidate for City Council in New York City. He is also a public relations executive for the Russian Tea Room restaurant at One Fifty Fifty Seven Corporation, a family business focused on real estate development, investment sales and retail leasing. Previously Biberaj was Florida Research Director for the Kerry-Edwards for President Campaign. Biberaj holds a JD from New York Law School, a Masters in Public Policy (MPP) from Harvard University Kennedy School of Government, and a BA in Political Science from American University. 

Ken Biberaj on Learning Community Service From President Bill Clinton

In Chapter 18 of 23 in his 2013 Capture Your Flag interview, New York City Council Candidate Ken Biberaj answers "What Has Bill Clinton Taught You About How to Run a Better Political Campaign?" Biberaj shares why President Bill Clinton inspired his public service career and how learning from him before, during and after serving as an intern in his office has motivated him to do work that improves his community.

Ken Biberaj is currently a 2013 Democratic Candidate for City Council in New York City. He is also a public relations executive for the Russian Tea Room restaurant at One Fifty Fifty Seven Corporation, a family business focused on real estate development, investment sales and retail leasing. Previously Biberaj was Florida Research Director for the Kerry-Edwards for President Campaign. Biberaj holds a JD from New York Law School, a Masters in Public Policy (MPP) from Harvard University Kennedy School of Government, and a BA in Political Science from American University.