Video Interviews — Capture Your Flag

Mike Germano

Mike Germano is the Chief Digital Officer of VICE and CEO/co-founder of Carrot Creative. Mike leads digital endeavors for VICE Media and oversees campaigns at Carrot, which was acquired by VICE in late 2013. Carrot is an award-winning, full-service, creative digital agency.Before starting Carrot Creative, Germano ran for and was elected to public office in Connecticut. He is a graduate of Quinnipiac University.

All Video Interviews

Mike Germano: Having a Baby and Selling a Business in the Same Year

In Chapter 1 of 23 in his 2014 Capture Your Flag interview, VICE Media Chief Digital Officer Mike Germano answers "Since We Spoke a Year Ago, What Has Been the Most Exciting Thing to Happen in Your Life?"  In the year in between his last Capture Your Flag interview and this one, Year 5 in his career documentary, Germano shares what it was like starting a family - becoming a first-time father - and selling his business Carrot Creative to VICE Media in the same year. On top of it all, he and his business partner also invest in a pizza restaurant, Forino, giving him a place to celebrate all the positive news.

Mike Germano is Chief Digital Officer at VICE Media, a global youth media company based in Brooklyn, New York. Germano joined VICE Media via its 2013 acquisition of Carrot Creative, a social media agency he co-founded and led as CEO. 

Mike Germano on Asking for Advice Before Your First Baby is Born

In Chapter 2 of 23 in his 2014 Capture Your Flag interview, VICE Media Chief Digital Officer Mike Germano answers "How Did You Go About Seeking Advice as You Prepared for Parenthood?" Germano shares what he has learned by seeking new parent advice from his parents, in-laws and even old professors. As an entrepreneur, he gets insight on ways to carve out time with a newborn amidst a busy work travel schedule. He also benefits from a role model father who sets an example he can follow on his own parenting journey.

Mike Germano is Chief Digital Officer at VICE Media, a global youth media company based in Brooklyn, New York. Germano joined VICE Media via its 2013 acquisition of Carrot Creative, a social media agency he co-founded and led as CEO. 

Mike Germano on Setting Aspirations as a New Father

In Chapter 3 of 23 in his 2014 Capture Your Flag interview, VICE Media Chief Digital Officer Mike Germano answers "To What Do You Aspire as a Father?" Germano shares how he aspires to be a supportive, encouraging father who pushes his son, and hopefully future children, to be the best they can be. He builds upon the support received from his own parents to look for ways to get behind his child's passions and help them learn and grow.

Mike Germano is Chief Digital Officer at VICE Media, a global youth media company based in Brooklyn, New York. Germano joined VICE Media via its 2013 acquisition of Carrot Creative, a social media agency he co-founded and led as CEO. 

Mike Germano on How Parents React to Becoming Grandparents

In Chapter 4 of 23 in his 2014 Capture Your Flag interview, VICE Media Chief Digital Officer Mike Germano answers "How Have Your Parents Transitioned into Becoming Grandparents?" The oldest of three siblings, Germano is the first child in his family to have a baby. His parents, both Italian-American, react with joy and pour their love into their new grandson.

Mike Germano is Chief Digital Officer at VICE Media, a global youth media company based in Brooklyn, New York. Germano joined VICE Media via its 2013 acquisition of Carrot Creative, a social media agency he co-founded and led as CEO. 

Mike Germano on Balancing Service and Self to Live a Fuller Life

In Chapter 5 of 23 in his 2014 Capture Your Flag interview, VICE Media Chief Digital Officer Mike Germano answers "How Are You Learning to Better Balance Service and Self in How You Live Your Life?" Germano shares just how much changed in his life when he learned his wife was pregnant with their first child. He notes how before it had been about serving others and then, with the baby on the way, it made him realize he needed to take care of himself. This meant putting family first and making time away from the office. It also meant putting a higher priority on eating healthier and exercising more regularly. He notes how selling his business helped give him financial freedom to better balance work and home and, with this, actually be able to give more at work each day.

Mike Germano is Chief Digital Officer at VICE Media, a global youth media company based in Brooklyn, New York. Germano joined VICE Media via its 2013 acquisition of Carrot Creative, a social media agency he co-founded and led as CEO. 

Mike Germano on Debunking the Business is a Family Myth

In Chapter 6 of 23 in his 2014 Capture Your Flag interview, VICE Media Chief Digital Officer Mike Germano answers "How Was Creating a Company Like Building a Family?" Germano often hears how building a company is like raising a family. He disagrees and debunks the "business as family" myth, noting that while you can pivot from a business model or stop a business you cannot stop a family.  He notes while you can fire employees you can never fire your kids. Germano notes that, yes, caring is a part of both, however family decisions and business decisions have very different contexts.

Mike Germano is Chief Digital Officer at VICE Media, a global youth media company based in Brooklyn, New York. Germano joined VICE Media via its 2013 acquisition of Carrot Creative, a social media agency he co-founded and led as CEO. 

Mike Germano on Deciding When and To Whom to Sell Your Company

In Chapter 7 of 23 in his 2014 Capture Your Flag interview, VICE Media Chief Digital Officer Mike Germano answers "What Made You Decide to Sell Your Company?" Germano shares what he learned about the mergers and acquisitions process making the decision to sell the company he co-founded. After growing a social media agency, he gets approached by many larger agencies and finds the culture, mission and values do not align. He then connects with VICE Media and describes what set them apart from other bidders and why he and his partner decided to sell and join the VICE team.

Mike Germano is Chief Digital Officer at VICE Media, a global youth media company based in Brooklyn, New York. Germano joined VICE Media via its 2013 acquisition of Carrot Creative, a social media agency he co-founded and led as CEO. 

Mike Germano: What MBA Programs Don't Teach About Selling a Business

In Chapter 8 of 23 in his 2014 Capture Your Flag interview, VICE Media Chief Digital Officer Mike Germano answers "What Did You Find Most Educational About Going Through the Process of Selling Your Company?" Germano shares what he learned selling his business Carrot Creative to VICE Media. He notes how it is something you are not likely to learn in business school. He finds the process is about self-realization and embracing challenge of taking a mission to another level, in this case a global-level with a billion-dollar digital media company.

Mike Germano is Chief Digital Officer at VICE Media, a global youth media company based in Brooklyn, New York. Germano joined VICE Media via its 2013 acquisition of Carrot Creative, a social media agency he co-founded and led as CEO. 

Mike Germano on How Aspirations Change As Experience Grows

In Chapter 9 of 23 in his 2014 Capture Your Flag interview, VICE Media Chief Digital Officer Mike Germano answers "How Are Your Aspirations Changing as Your Experience Grows?" Germano shares how his aspirations have grown by multiples after his startup social media agency was acquired by VICE Media. He shares how it is both daunting and exhilarating to be working with a billion-dollar media company making an impact around the world.

Mike Germano is Chief Digital Officer at VICE Media, a global youth media company based in Brooklyn, New York. Germano joined VICE Media via its 2013 acquisition of Carrot Creative, a social media agency he co-founded and led as CEO. 

Mike Germano on Taking a Company From Basement to Boardroom

In Chapter 10 of 23 in his 2014 Capture Your Flag interview, VICE Media Chief Digital Officer Mike Germano answers "Reflecting Back, What Do You See As the Defining Stages of Your Entrepreneurial Journey?" Germano shares what he learned from starting a digital media company in a basement through growing Carrot Creative into a social media agency leader and selling the business to VICE Media. He discusses failures, including having a Middle East office expansion not work out, and successes, building a team and now, as an entrepreneur who sold a business, to mentor the next generation of entrepreneurs.

Mike Germano is Chief Digital Officer at VICE Media, a global youth media company based in Brooklyn, New York. Germano joined VICE Media via its 2013 acquisition of Carrot Creative, a social media agency he co-founded and led as CEO. 

Mike Germano on Opening Up About Entrepreneurship Struggles

In Chapter 11 of 23 in his 2014 Capture Your Flag interview, VICE Media Chief Digital Officer Mike Germano answers "Now That You Have Sold Your Company, Do You Feel Like You Can Be More Open About Sharing Your Entrepreneurial Story?" Germano shares how much of a relief it was to sell his company, Carrot Creative, and be able to open up more about the struggles the company faced as it grew. He shares stories about last-minute family loans to cover expenses and times when he and his partners had to show confidence when things were unstable.

Mike Germano is Chief Digital Officer at VICE Media, a global youth media company based in Brooklyn, New York. Germano joined VICE Media via its 2013 acquisition of Carrot Creative, a social media agency he co-founded and led as CEO. 

Mike Germano: Changing Job Roles After Company Gets Acquired

In Chapter 12 of 23 in his 2014 Capture Your Flag interview, VICE Media Chief Digital Officer Mike Germano answers "How Has Your Role Changed Since Your Company Was Acquired?" Germano shares how he has went from being a "janitor in a tuxedo" working all kinds of job roles to becoming an executive leader at a much larger company. In both instances, Germano pushes a vision for the future of digital media, adapting to a much larger stage at his new employer VICE.

Mike Germano is Chief Digital Officer at VICE Media, a global youth media company based in Brooklyn, New York. Germano joined VICE Media via its 2013 acquisition of Carrot Creative, a social media agency he co-founded and led as CEO. 

Mike Germano on Working for a Boss After Being Your Own Boss

In Chapter 13 of 23 in his 2014 Capture Your Flag interview, VICE Media Chief Digital Officer Mike Germano answers "What is it Like Having a Boss?" Aside from answering to his wife, Germano shares what it has been like transitioning from running a company as CEO to working for executive leadership at his new company, VICE. Working for a team who has invested so much to build a company, Germano is mindful and respectful to work hard to earn the respect of his bosses while he learns the ropes in a new company culture.

Mike Germano is Chief Digital Officer at VICE Media, a global youth media company based in Brooklyn, New York. Germano joined VICE Media via its 2013 acquisition of Carrot Creative, a social media agency he co-founded and led as CEO. 

Mike Germano on What It Means to Contribute at Work Each Day

In Chapter 14 of 23 in his 2014 Capture Your Flag interview, VICE Media Chief Digital Officer Mike Germano answers "On a Daily Basis, What Does It Mean to Contribute in the Work That You Do?" Working in a fast-paced environment, Germano does everything he can to make sure the company is running smoothly. He finds himself doing a variety of tasks at work, from connecting people to solving office problems, that help get things built to satisfy client demands. At the end of the day, he notes how it all goes by so quickly and seems like a blur.

Mike Germano is Chief Digital Officer at VICE Media, a global youth media company based in Brooklyn, New York. Germano joined VICE Media via its 2013 acquisition of Carrot Creative, a social media agency he co-founded and led as CEO. 

Mike Germano on Deciding What Timeframe to Focus on at Work

In Chapter 15 of 23 in his 2014 Capture Your Flag interview, VICE Media Chief Digital Officer Mike Germano answers "As a Business Owner, How Do You Decide What Time Horizon to Focus on in Your Work?" Germano finds his environment dictates how he chooses to focus his time. Managing quickly changing time demands, Germano finds getting out of the office is an effective way to work through longer-term strategic goals.

Mike Germano is Chief Digital Officer at VICE Media, a global youth media company based in Brooklyn, New York. Germano joined VICE Media via its 2013 acquisition of Carrot Creative, a social media agency he co-founded and led as CEO. 

Mike Germano: Building a Business Based on Trust

In Chapter 16 of 23 in his 2014 Capture Your Flag interview, VICE Media Chief Digital Officer Mike Germano answers "How Do You Establish Trust When Building Relationships?" Germano shares how he has built his business and his future based on trust. He finds he can identify whether or not someone is trustworthy in a short conversation. He looks for life examples and an overall sense of energy indicators in those three minutes. He also reminds himself that trust is mutual and that trusting someone else requires earning their trust as well.

Mike Germano is Chief Digital Officer at VICE Media, a global youth media company based in Brooklyn, New York. Germano joined VICE Media via its 2013 acquisition of Carrot Creative, a social media agency he co-founded and led as CEO. 

Mike Germano on Being Comfortable in Uncomfortable Situations

In Chapter 17 of 23 in his 2014 Capture Your Flag interview, VICE Media Chief Digital Officer Mike Germano answers "How Have You Learned to Be More Comfortable in Uncomfortable Situations?" Germano shares how getting comfortable being uncomfortable is something he embraces. Knowing others may see this scenario as a negative thing, Germano sees it as an opportunity where he can be at his best. He cites Robert Duvall's character Lt. Bill Kilgore from Apocalypse Now, who embraced discomfort enough to surf amidst a firefight.

Mike Germano is Chief Digital Officer at VICE Media, a global youth media company based in Brooklyn, New York. Germano joined VICE Media via its 2013 acquisition of Carrot Creative, a social media agency he co-founded and led as CEO. 

Mike Germano on Knowing When to Concede and When to Confront

In Chapter 18 of 23 in his 2014 Capture Your Flag interview, VICE Media Chief Digital Officer Mike Germano answers "What Has Experience Taught You About How to Better Manage Confrontation?" Germano shares how he is better at working through larger confrontations. He struggles with smaller confrontations, where he often gives in to appease the other side. Larger conflicts, however, motivate him to stand up for his team and work to win for his side. Mike Germano is Chief Digital Officer at VICE Media, a global youth media company based in Brooklyn, New York. Germano joined VICE Media via its 2013 acquisition of Carrot Creative, a social media agency he co-founded and led as CEO.