In Chapter 1 of 14 in his 2013 Capture Your Flag interview, CEO Richard Moross answers "What Childhood Experiences Have Been Most Fundamental in Shaping Who You Are Today?" Moross shares how several "knock back moments" in his childhood fueled anger he equates to Incredible Hulk moments. Over time, he learns to channel this anger and frustration into motivation, which he ultimately uses to start a business and become an entrepreneur. Richard Moross is founder and CEO of award-winning online print business He is a member of Young Presidents Organization (YPO) and a board member at Ladbrokes PLC. Before, Moross was a strategist at design firm Imagination. He graduated from the University of Sussex.
Richard Moross on Learning Business in First Job Out of College
In Chapter 2 of 14 in his 2013 Capture Your Flag interview, CEO Richard Moross answers "What Did You Learn in Your First Job After University That is Still Relevant Today?" Moross shares that working in a small business after college taught him why people, more than anything else, are fundamental to a business. He learns to shift away from the individual nature of being a student to the collaborative nature of working on a small business team. Richard Moross is founder and CEO of award-winning online print business He is a member of Young Presidents Organization (YPO) and a board member at Ladbrokes PLC. Before, Moross was a strategist at design firm Imagination. He graduated from the University of Sussex.
Richard Moross on the Value of Hard Work in a Startup Company Culture
In Chapter 3 of 14 in his 2013 Capture Your Flag interview, CEO Richard Moross answers "Where Did You Learn Your Work Ethic?" Moross shares that he does not have a "work ethic" but rather sees it as investing time in doing what he is passionate about. Working at a startup,, Moross learns the value of hard work and is influenced by the commitment and dedication to quality of his co-workers.
Richard Moross is founder and CEO of award-winning online print business He is a member of Young Presidents Organization (YPO) and a board member at Ladbrokes PLC. Before, Moross was a strategist at design firm Imagination. He graduated from the University of Sussex.
Richard Moross on Why to Get Out of the Office and Travel the World
In Chapter 4 of 14 in his 2013 Capture Your Flag interview, CEO Richard Moross answers "What Travel Adventures Have You Had This Past Year and What Did You Learn From Them?" Moross learns how taking holidays - in this case traveling to Israel, Namibia, and Japan - gives him space not only to appreciate culture but also to reflect, to refresh and to put his work in a more global context. He talks about traveling to Israel with business partner Hewlett Packard (HP) and going to Namibia to take a 1000-mile road trip. Richard Moross is founder and CEO of award-winning online print business He is a member of Young Presidents Organization (YPO) and a board member at Ladbrokes PLC. Before, Moross was a strategist at design firm Imagination. He graduated from the University of Sussex.
Richard Moross on Making Personal Life Goals at Priority at Age 35
In Chapter 5 of 14 in his 2013 Capture Your Flag interview, CEO Richard Moross answers "How Are Your Aspirations Changing As Your Experience Grows?" After nearly ten years building a successful and admired company, Moo, and achieving additional professional goals, including joining Young Presidents' Organization (YPO) and joining a board of a public company, Moross shifts his aspirations to his personal life. In particular he looks to make sure his business life does not take away from goals he has for his personal life, including being a husband and a father. Richard Moross is founder and CEO of award-winning online print business He is a member of Young Presidents Organization (YPO) and a board member at Ladbrokes PLC. Before, Moross was a strategist at design firm Imagination. He graduated from the University of Sussex.
Richard Moross on When to Buy a Company and Enter a New Market
In Chapter 6 of 14 in his 2013 Capture Your Flag interview, CEO Richard Moross answers "What Experiences in the Past Year Have Most Influenced the Direction of Your Company?" Leading a growing business, Moross shares how acquiring helped accelerate his company's expansion beyond physical products into digital products. The company acquisition leads to Moross hiring a chief product officer to translate the company investment into a committed digital product team. He notes how the digital market-entry strategy was shaped by internal discussions and why it is important to long-term company growth. Richard Moross is founder and CEO of award-winning online print business He is a member of Young Presidents Organization (YPO) and a board member at Ladbrokes PLC. Before, Moross was a strategist at design firm Imagination. He graduated from the University of Sussex.
Richard Moross on Opening a Retail Store for an E-Commerce Brand
In Chapter 7 of 14 in his 2013 Capture Your Flag interview, CEO Richard Moross answers "What Has Surprised You Most About What You Have Learned by Opening a Retail Store?" Moross shares how he learned about physical space design working at design firm Imagination. After applying this in a trade show context as well as a physical product design process, he and his team take the detail-oriented products he offers from an online retailing experience to a physical one. He notes the resulting customer experience was as much about physically interacting with the products as it was interacting with the brand experience in the store. Richard Moross is founder and CEO of award-winning online print business He is a member of Young Presidents Organization (YPO) and a board member at Ladbrokes PLC. Before, Moross was a strategist at design firm Imagination. He graduated from the University of Sussex.
Richard Moross on How to Be a More Approachable Company Leader
In Chapter 8 of 14 in his 2013 Capture Your Flag interview, CEO Richard Moross answers "What Does It Mean to Perform Under Pressure in the Work That You Do?" Moross notes how he faces a daily pressure of feeling like he needs to be everywhere at once. This is compounded by the business growing both in headcount as well as geographically. He realizes these facts mean he no longer can engage with employees as frequently as in the past and works to make sure he makes himself available and approachable to compensate. Richard Moross is founder and CEO of award-winning online print business He is a member of Young Presidents Organization (YPO) and a board member at Ladbrokes PLC. Before, Moross was a strategist at design firm Imagination. He graduated from the University of Sussex.
Richard Moross on Managing Growth as Company Nears 200 Employees
In Chapter 9 of 14 in his 2013 Capture Your Flag interview, CEO Richard Moross answers "In Growing Moo, What Have Been the Headcount Milestones Where Things Changed the Most?" Moross reflects on how staff level milestones evolved the look and feel of his company. He notes important early milestones - 10, 20, 50, 100 - and what nearing 200 employees means for his company. At a technical level, it means more hierarchy and structure. At a personal level, it means Moross recognizes the reality that a progressively large global business will lose some of the intimacy you have in a small local business. Richard Moross is founder and CEO of award-winning online print business He is a member of Young Presidents Organization (YPO) and a board member at Ladbrokes PLC. Before, Moross was a strategist at design firm Imagination. He graduated from the University of Sussex.
Richard Moross on When to Make Management Skills a Hiring Priority
In Chapter 10 of 14 in his 2013 Capture Your Flag interview, CEO Richard Moross answers "What Has It Been Like to Transition From Managing Specialists to Managing Managers?" Moross notes how growing a business to nearly 200 employees has necessitated hiring staff with management skillsets to manage day-to-day decisions and support employee development. Adding a management layer to his company allows him to transition into a role of setting standards, values, morals, ethics and aspirations while empowering his managers via process and goal setting structures. Richard Moross is founder and CEO of award-winning online print business He is a member of Young Presidents Organization (YPO) and a board member at Ladbrokes PLC. Before, Moross was a strategist at design firm Imagination. He graduated from the University of Sussex.
Richard Moross on What Time Horizon to Focus on in a CEO Role
In Chapter 11 of 14 in his 2013 Capture Your Flag interview, CEO Richard Moross answers "As a CEO, How Do You Decide What Time Horizon to Focus on in Your Work?" As the company has grown in size, budgeting timeframes have moved from month-to-month to several years out. This takes into account managing cash flow, accounting for growth, and making strategic investments. Richard Moross is founder and CEO of award-winning online print business He is a member of Young Presidents Organization (YPO) and a board member at Ladbrokes PLC. Before, Moross was a strategist at design firm Imagination. He graduated from the University of Sussex.
Richard Moross on When to Hire a Creative Agency to Build Your Brand
In Chapter 12 of 14 in his 2013 Capture Your Flag interview, CEO Richard Moross answers "How is Company Growth Changing Your Advertising and Public Relations Needs?" As his company hits its one millionth customer and 200 country customer footprint milestones, Moross sees a need to invest in global branding and marketing communications. He shares why his company decided to seek external expertise and what he learned as the team went about finding the right creative agency, Creature, to develop an international television ad to run in the UK and US. Richard Moross is founder and CEO of award-winning online print business He is a member of Young Presidents Organization (YPO) and a board member at Ladbrokes PLC. Before, Moross was a strategist at design firm Imagination. He graduated from the University of Sussex.
Richard Moross on How to Give Better Advice When Asked for Help
In Chapter 13 of 14 in his 2013 Capture Your Flag interview, CEO Richard Moross answers "How Have You Learned to Give Better Advice When People Ask You For Help?" As a member of Young Presidents Organization, or YPO, Moross learns advice giving is less about answering and opining and more about providing support and even granting permission for the requesting party to make a more well-informed decision. Richard Moross is founder and CEO of award-winning online print business He is a member of Young Presidents Organization (YPO) and a board member at Ladbrokes PLC. Before, Moross was a strategist at design firm Imagination. He graduated from the University of Sussex.
Richard Moross on Lessons Learned as a Public Company Board Member
In Chapter 14 of 14 in his 2013 Capture Your Flag interview, CEO Richard Moross answers "What Have You Found Most Educational About Participating on a Large Company Board of Directors?" Moross shares what he is learning about business, leadership, and management as a board member for publicly traded company Ladbrokes PLC. He gets to participate in a group effort to solve problems and plan for the future while also infusing the team with his knowledge of digital media and Internet innovation. Richard Moross is founder and CEO of award-winning online print business He is a member of Young Presidents Organization (YPO) and a board member at Ladbrokes PLC. Before, Moross was a strategist at design firm Imagination. He graduated from the University of Sussex.