Video Interviews — Capture Your Flag

Adam Geller

Adam Geller is founder and CEO of Edthena, an education technology startup bringing observation and feedback online for teacher improvement using recorded videos and specialized commenting tools. Geller is a certified science teacher and secondary school principal who, after leaving the classroom, joined Teach for America to work on national strategy and develop teacher training technology platforms. Geller is a recent Education Ventures fellow at the Kauffman Foundation and also the founder of Teach For Us, a network connecting Teach for America corps members and alumni. He earned a BA in Journalism from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a MA in Education Administration from the University of Missouri-Saint Louis.

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Aspiring to Make an Impact by Improving Teacher Training

In Chapter 1 of 22 in his 2014 Capture Your Flag interview, education technology entrepreneur Adam Geller answers "To What Do You Aspire?" Geller shares how he aspires to have a positive impact on the world by transforming the way teachers receive professional development via online observation and feedback.

Adam Geller is founder and CEO of Edthena, a video platform enabling online teacher coaching, peer review, and group learning. He is a recent Education Ventures fellow at the Kauffman Foundation and the founder of Teach For Us, a network connecting Teach for America corps members and alumni. He earned a BA from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a MA from the University of Missouri-Saint Louis.

Adam Geller on Finding Work That Brings Out Your Passion

In Chapter 2 of 22 in his 2014 Capture Your Flag interview, education technology entrepreneur Adam Geller answers "When Are You At Your Best?" Geller finds he is at his best when he is passionate about the work he is doing. He feels it when he is excited about the problem he is working to solve. He does not mind staying late at work as long as he believes in the work he is doing.

Adam Geller is founder and CEO of Edthena, a video platform enabling online teacher coaching, peer review, and group learning. He is a recent Education Ventures fellow at the Kauffman Foundation and the founder of Teach For Us, a network connecting Teach for America corps members and alumni. He earned a BA from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a MA from the University of Missouri-Saint Louis.

What Makes Teacher Coaching Meaningful Work

In Chapter 3 of 22 in his 2014 Capture Your Flag interview, education technology entrepreneur Adam Geller answers "What Makes Your Work Meaningful?" Geller finds meaning in his work through seeing how his business is giving teachers tools to develop and improve. Serving many young teachers pursuing certification gives Geller an opportunity to see how his coaching platform can make a difference helping young teachers succeed.

Adam Geller is founder and CEO of Edthena, a video platform enabling online teacher coaching, peer review, and group learning. He is a recent Education Ventures fellow at the Kauffman Foundation and the founder of Teach For Us, a network connecting Teach for America corps members and alumni. He earned a BA from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a MA from the University of Missouri-Saint Louis.

How to Enjoy Everyday Life as an Entrepreneur

In Chapter 4 of 22 in his 2014 Capture Your Flag interview, education technology entrepreneur Adam Geller answers "What Do You Enjoy Most About What You Do?" Geller finds it rewarding to come into work and face new challenges each day. From managing clients to building products to handling finances, Geller finds new challenges each day that keep work fresh and new.

Adam Geller is founder and CEO of Edthena, a video platform enabling online teacher coaching, peer review, and group learning. He is a recent Education Ventures fellow at the Kauffman Foundation and the founder of Teach For Us, a network connecting Teach for America corps members and alumni. He earned a BA from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a MA from the University of Missouri-Saint Louis.

Why to Major in Broadcast Journalism

In Chapter 5 of 22 in his 2014 Capture Your Flag interview, education technology entrepreneur Adam Geller answers "Why Did You Choose to Major in Journalism and Mass Communication in College?" In college at UNC, Geller chooses to major in broadcast journalism. He minors in chemistry to round out his skills of focusing on business, science and medical journalism. He finds studying journalism helped him be a better learner and more effective communicator.

Adam Geller is founder and CEO of Edthena, a video platform enabling online teacher coaching, peer review, and group learning. He is a recent Education Ventures fellow at the Kauffman Foundation and the founder of Teach For Us, a network connecting Teach for America corps members and alumni. He earned a BA from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a MA from the University of Missouri-Saint Louis.

Learning Business Working for a National Fraternity

In Chapter 6 of 22 in his 2014 Capture Your Flag interview, education technology entrepreneur Adam Geller answers "What Did You Learn About Organizational Development Working for Your National Fraternity?" Working in the national offices of his fraternity, Alpha Epsilon Pi, after college gives Geller exposure to running a national organization. Learning from leaders running the national nonprofit gives Geller an idea of what it would be like to successfully run a multimillion dollar business one day.

Adam Geller is founder and CEO of Edthena, a video platform enabling online teacher coaching, peer review, and group learning. He is a recent Education Ventures fellow at the Kauffman Foundation and the founder of Teach For Us, a network connecting Teach for America corps members and alumni. He earned a BA from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a MA from the University of Missouri-Saint Louis.

Finding Inspiration to Apply for Teach for America

In Chapter 7 of 22 in his 2014 Capture Your Flag interview, education technology entrepreneur Adam Geller answers "Why Did You Decide to Apply to Teach for America?" During college, Geller does volunteer tutoring at a homeless shelter. As a volunteer tutor working with homeless, Geller sees firsthand how education gaps limit future potential and decides to apply for Teach for America to help close that gap.

Adam Geller is founder and CEO of Edthena, a video platform enabling online teacher coaching, peer review, and group learning. He is a recent Education Ventures fellow at the Kauffman Foundation and the founder of Teach For Us, a network connecting Teach for America corps members and alumni. He earned a BA from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a MA from the University of Missouri-Saint Louis.

How Teach for America Prepares Future Leaders

In Chapter 8 of 22 in his 2014 Capture Your Flag interview, education technology entrepreneur Adam Geller answers "How Did Teaching in the Teach for America Program Inform the Next Steps in Your Career?" Teaching disadvantaged students in the classroom inspires Geller to make a career fixing K-12 education or as he terms it "Big E Education." This leads him to build on Teach for America teaching and get a masters degree in education as well as formal teacher certification. He joins Teach for America's national organization to work on strategy and organizational development and learn at more systematic ways to improve Big E Education.

Adam Geller is founder and CEO of Edthena, a video platform enabling online teacher coaching, peer review, and group learning. He is a recent Education Ventures fellow at the Kauffman Foundation and the founder of Teach For Us, a network connecting Teach for America corps members and alumni. He earned a BA from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a MA from the University of Missouri-Saint Louis.

How to Use a Journalism Degree to Teach Middle School

In Chapter 9 of 22 in his 2014 Capture Your Flag interview, education technology entrepreneur Adam Geller answers "Where Has Your Journalism Work Experience Been Most Useful in Your Education Career?" Geller finds his journalism degree is most useful on a day-to-day basis as a teacher. He finds the daily test of clearly communicating what he knows so his students can absorb the lessons similar to journalist work articulating information so an audience can internalize the information. As a science teacher, journalist training also helps Geller tailor teaching to learning styles to best engage students.

Adam Geller is founder and CEO of Edthena, a video platform enabling online teacher coaching, peer review, and group learning. He is a recent Education Ventures fellow at the Kauffman Foundation and the founder of Teach For Us, a network connecting Teach for America corps members and alumni. He earned a BA from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a MA from the University of Missouri-Saint Louis.

How the Kauffman Foundation Prepares Entrepreneurs

In Chapter 10 of 22 in his 2014 Capture Your Flag interview, education technology entrepreneur Adam Geller answers "How Did Your Kauffman Foundation Fellowship Help Prepare You to Become an Entrepreneur?" Geller finds his Kauffman Foundation Fellowship program gave him time and space to jumpstart his business. Leaving teaching to start an education technology company, the Kauffman Fellowship allows Geller to go from part-time focus on the project to full-time while honing his product and business model.

Adam Geller is founder and CEO of Edthena, a video platform enabling online teacher coaching, peer review, and group learning. He is a recent Education Ventures fellow at the Kauffman Foundation and the founder of Teach For Us, a network connecting Teach for America corps members and alumni. He earned a BA from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a MA from the University of Missouri-Saint Louis.

How to Prepare Teachers for Nontraditional Education Jobs

In Chapter 11 of 22 in his 2014 Capture Your Flag interview, education technology entrepreneur Adam Geller answers "What Has Your Work Experience Taught You About How Education Careers are Changing?" As a former teacher now running an EdTech startup that provides a video platform to train teachers, Geller finds the more time he spends in education, the more ways he sees to affect change in a nontraditional education career. From online video to game design, the world of job opportunities in education continues to expand beyond teaching and administration job roles Geller learned about as a science teacher.

Adam Geller is founder and CEO of Edthena, a video platform enabling online teacher coaching, peer review, and group learning. He is a recent Education Ventures fellow at the Kauffman Foundation and the founder of Teach For Us, a network connecting Teach for America corps members and alumni. He earned a BA from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a MA from the University of Missouri-Saint Louis.

How to Train Teachers to Make a Greater Student Impact

In Chapter 12 of 22 in his 2014 Capture Your Flag interview, education technology entrepreneur Adam Geller answers "How Are You Helping Teachers Improve and Create a Greater Impact With Their Students?" Geller shares how his company has built an online teacher coaching video platform to improve teacher classroom capabilities. By creating an online community, Geller and his team create a cloud-based community of teachers helping teachers improve their practice.

Adam Geller is founder and CEO of Edthena, a video platform enabling online teacher coaching, peer review, and group learning. He is a recent Education Ventures fellow at the Kauffman Foundation and the founder of Teach For Us, a network connecting Teach for America corps members and alumni. He earned a BA from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a MA from the University of Missouri-Saint Louis.

How Self-Reflection Improves Teacher Effectiveness

In Chapter 13 of 22 in his 2014 Capture Your Flag interview, education technology entrepreneur Adam Geller answers "What Role Does Observation and Feedback Play in a Teacher's Professional Development?" Geller finds self-reflection fundamental to improving teacher development. He builds online video teacher coaching platform, Edthena, to create group observation and feedback programs for teachers to improve classroom teaching.

Adam Geller is founder and CEO of Edthena, a video platform enabling online teacher coaching, peer review, and group learning. He is a recent Education Ventures fellow at the Kauffman Foundation and the founder of Teach For Us, a network connecting Teach for America corps members and alumni. He earned a BA from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a MA from the University of Missouri-Saint Louis.

Two Steps You Need to Build Relationship Trust

In Chapter 14 of 22 in his 2014 Capture Your Flag interview, education technology entrepreneur Adam Geller answers "How Do You Establish Trust When Building Relationships?" Geller finds trust building is a two-step process. First, he assesses someone's trustworthiness from a capabilities standpoint of what they have compared to what the relationship requires. Second, he performs diligence on an individual to gather data and make a more informed decision on whether or not to trust them. He shares his experiences building trust with students as an 8th and 9th grade science teacher.

Adam Geller is founder and CEO of Edthena, a video platform enabling online teacher coaching, peer review, and group learning. He is a recent Education Ventures fellow at the Kauffman Foundation and the founder of Teach For Us, a network connecting Teach for America corps members and alumni. He earned a BA from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a MA from the University of Missouri-Saint Louis.

Two Things to Look for in a Technical Cofounder

In Chapter 15 of 22 in his 2014 Capture Your Flag interview, education technology entrepreneur Adam Geller answers "What Attributes Do You Feel Are Most Important in a Technical Co-Founder?" Geller looks for two things when searching for a technical co-founder. The first is to find a co-founder candidate who technically capable for the job requirements, both as they exists today and how they will evolve in the near future. Second, Geller looks for a co-founder who shares a passion for the problem being solved. Geller finds a co-founder when he meets someone who can handle the architectural and product rigor required while also being passionate about helping teachers improve.

Adam Geller is founder and CEO of Edthena, a video platform enabling online teacher coaching, peer review, and group learning. He is a recent Education Ventures fellow at the Kauffman Foundation and the founder of Teach For Us, a network connecting Teach for America corps members and alumni. He earned a BA from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a MA from the University of Missouri-Saint Louis.

Product Management Advice for New Entrepreneurs

In Chapter 16 of 22 in his 2014 Capture Your Flag interview, education technology entrepreneur Adam Geller answers "What Have You Learned About Product Management by Building an Online Education Platform?" Geller shares how relaunching the Edthena teacher coaching video platform was a complex challenge with many moving parts. To get the team to come for the product relaunch, Geller shares how instilling ownership in employees motivated them to successfully ship product. 

Adam Geller is founder and CEO of Edthena, a video platform enabling online teacher coaching, peer review, and group learning. He is a recent Education Ventures fellow at the Kauffman Foundation and the founder of Teach For Us, a network connecting Teach for America corps members and alumni. He earned a BA from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a MA from the University of Missouri-Saint Louis.

How Startup Develops Product to Solve Customer Problems

In Chapter 17 of 22 in his 2014 Capture Your Flag interview, education technology entrepreneur Adam Geller answers "How Are You Learning to Identify Potential Customers for Your Technology Product?" Geller shares how his team builds problem solving into the product development process. By understanding education customer needs, he and his team build relationships with education customers and more successfully sell observation and feedback video platform solutions to improve teacher training.

Adam Geller is founder and CEO of Edthena, a video platform enabling online teacher coaching, peer review, and group learning. He is a recent Education Ventures fellow at the Kauffman Foundation and the founder of Teach For Us, a network connecting Teach for America corps members and alumni. He earned a BA from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a MA from the University of Missouri-Saint Louis.

Learning to Build Technology for Teacher Education

In Chapter 18 of 22 in his 2014 Capture Your Flag interview, education technology entrepreneur Adam Geller answers "What Has Been Most Challenging About Building a Technology Platform for Teacher Education?" Geller learns that technology startup success does not happen overnight. He pushes beyond the myth of overnight startup success by being patient and incrementally building product features and growing user base. These incremental gains help him sell into education buyers and better manage sales cycle buying constraints.

Adam Geller is founder and CEO of Edthena, a video platform enabling online teacher coaching, peer review, and group learning. He is a recent Education Ventures fellow at the Kauffman Foundation and the founder of Teach For Us, a network connecting Teach for America corps members and alumni. He earned a BA from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a MA from the University of Missouri-Saint Louis.