Near Peer Programs — Capture Your Flag

Capture Your Flag Video Content Licensing for Commercial Use


Custom-Curated Near Peer Video Licensing Packages

The Capture Your Flag philosophy is rooted in the belief that when peers one or two steps ahead of you (Near Peers) share their experience, it becomes  a unique learning resource that has exponential leverage.  

Capture Your Flag will work with you to custom curate a learning and development package of licensed Capture Your Flag video content and accompanying workshop material.

With personal and professional experiences captured through structured, recorded interviews, Capture Your Flag videos can help your employees increase self-awareness and reflected best-self through viewing the videos, discussing the concepts, and working through workshop material customized to individual, team, or organizational development needs.

Benefits for Companies

Video content packages help company leaders name and cultivate the traits and behaviors they want to encourage, and articulate them to employees through workshops tied to Capture Your Flag stories. 

Benefits for Managers

Video content packages can be integrated into classroom-based and self-paced learning modules for leaders and managers to improve their ability to spot and recognize top performance.

Benefits for Employees

Employees can use custom near peer video content libraries for self-development and community-based learning to connect story themes to performance requirements and community attributes to be more effective within a given organizational culture.

Individual Near Peer Video Licensing

Capture Your Flag content must be licensed for internal company or organizational use as this is commercial use and is not allowed within the Creative Commons license.

If you are looking to use Capture Your Flag Near Peer video content to inspire employees at a retreat or conference, to integrate into classroom teaching material or career training programs, or for other learning and development needs, Capture Your Flag can help.  

We offer content licensing to videos in our 3000+ career knowledge library.  Contact us via the link below. 

Benefits for talent development and organizational development professionals 

A Capture Your Flag licensing relationship will help you better empower employees to better plan, pursue and achieve career goals to support their aspirations.  Our  video library offers extensive, industry-specific job and skill-building insight that is personal, genuine and approachable.

Benefits for educators, corporate training leaders, and instructional designers

We help teachers bring real life lessons to students that empower them to better plan, pursue and achieve educational goals to support their life and career aspirations.