Video Interviews — Capture Your Flag

Conrad Doucette

Conrad Doucette is a Brooklyn musician and the drummer for Takka Takka, which released its 3rd studio album, AM Landscapes, in late 2012. He has performed with Bob Weir of the Grateful Dead, The National, Alina Simone, Okkervil River and many other leading acts. When not performing music, Doucette works as a producer for the New York Post Digital Network website Previous to the New York Post, Doucette was director of communications and at music licensing and publishing startup Jingle Punks. Doucette earned his BA in History from the University of Michigan.

All Video Interviews

Conrad Doucette on Turning 40 and Becoming a Dad

In Chapter 1 of 17 in his 2013 Capture Your Flag interview, musician and digital strategist Conrad Doucette answers "What is on Your Mind as You Turn 40 This Year?" As a husband and a new father he notes the biggest change is that is his life priority has become his family. He shares the joy that comes with making that transition and how a milestone birthday such as 40 has made it all the more apparent. Conrad Doucette is a Brooklyn musician and the drummer for the band Takka Takka. He has performed with Bob Weir of the Grateful Dead, The National, Alina Simone, and many other leading acts.  When not performing music, Doucette is the communications and brand director at music licensing and publishing startup Jingle Punks.  Doucette earned a BA in History from the University of Michigan.

Conrad Doucette on Getting Advice on Becoming a First Time Parent

In Chapter 2 of 17 in his 2013 Capture Your Flag interview, musician and digital strategist Conrad Doucette answers "How Did You Go About Seeking Advice as You Prepared for Parenthood?" Doucette shares his approach getting parenting insight from friends before becoming a first-time dad. This includes both observing friends' behaviors as well as asking questions and learning there is no "dumb question."

Conrad Doucette is a Brooklyn musician and the drummer for the band Takka Takka. He has performed with Bob Weir of the Grateful Dead, The National, Alina Simone, and many other leading acts. When not performing music, Doucette is the communications and brand director at music licensing and publishing startup Jingle Punks. Doucette earned a BA in History from the University of Michigan.

Conrad Doucette on Aspiring to Be the Best Father Possible

In Chapter 3 of 17 in his 2013 Capture Your Flag interview, musician and digital strategist Conrad Doucette answers "To What Do You Aspire as a Father?" As the father of a 5-month old boy, Doucette shares how he aspires to employe every resource possible to be the best father he can be.

Conrad Doucette is a Brooklyn musician and the drummer for the band Takka Takka. He has performed with Bob Weir of the Grateful Dead, The National, Alina Simone, and many other leading acts. When not performing music, Doucette is the communications and brand director at music licensing and publishing startup Jingle Punks. Doucette earned a BA in History from the University of Michigan. 

Conrad Doucette on How Becoming a Dad Changes You

In Chapter 4 of 17 in his 2013 Capture Your Flag interview, musician and digital strategist Conrad Doucette answers "How Has Becoming a Father Put Your Life in a New Perspective?" Doucette finds his life change immediately and in big ways and he embraces it fully. Having a child opens doors to a deeper level of love than he has ever experienced. He finds his experiences serve as a reference library to help him be a better dad and husband.

Conrad Doucette is a Brooklyn musician and the drummer for the band Takka Takka. He has performed with Bob Weir of the Grateful Dead, The National, Alina Simone, and many other leading acts. When not performing music, Doucette is the communications and brand director at music licensing and publishing startup Jingle Punks. Doucette earned a BA in History from the University of Michigan. 

Conrad Doucette on 3 Things to Know Before Becoming a Dad

In Chapter 5 of 17 in his 2013 Capture Your Flag interview, musician and digital strategist Conrad Doucette answers "What Are Three Things You Wish You Knew Before Becoming a Dad?" Doucette shares what he learned in the first weeks of fatherhood and gives advice to expecting dads. First, he learns not to be so worried in the first few days after the baby comes home. Second he learns that a baby and its belongings take up a lot more space than you would think. Third he learns how much he loves being a dad and how it has made him kinder and more present in his life.

Conrad Doucette is a Brooklyn musician and the drummer for the band Takka Takka. He has performed with Bob Weir of the Grateful Dead, The National, Alina Simone, and many other leading acts. When not performing music, Doucette is the communications and brand director at music licensing and publishing startup Jingle Punks. Doucette earned a BA in History from the University of Michigan. 

Conrad Doucette on Starting a Family in a Dual Income Household

In Chapter 6 of 17 in his 2013 Capture Your Flag interview, musician and digital strategist Conrad Doucette answers "What Have Been Your Challenges Starting a Family in a Dual-Income Household?" Doucette shares how he and his partner learn to be more open-minded thinking about life away from work after having a baby. He notes it is no small adjustment but one new parents need to make given their new responsibilities. Conrad Doucette is a Brooklyn musician and the drummer for the band Takka Takka. He has performed with Bob Weir of the Grateful Dead, The National, Alina Simone, and many other leading acts. When not performing music, Doucette is the communications and brand director at music licensing and publishing startup Jingle Punks. Doucette earned a BA in History from the University of Michigan. 

Conrad Doucette on How Starting a Family Affects Music Career

In Chapter 7 of 17 in his 2013 Capture Your Flag interview, musician and digital strategist Conrad Doucette answers "When Does Playing Music Fit Into Your Career Now That You're a Father?" Doucette shares how starting a family and becoming a father has shifted short-term career goals from playing music to finding work to support the family. Long-term, Doucette notes how he still aspires to work as a professional musician and keep it a key part of his life.

Conrad Doucette is a Brooklyn musician and the drummer for the band Takka Takka. He has performed with Bob Weir of the Grateful Dead, The National, Alina Simone, and many other leading acts. When not performing music, Doucette is the communications and brand director at music licensing and publishing startup Jingle Punks. Doucette earned a BA in History from the University of Michigan. 

Conrad Doucette on How Hands-Off Parenting Fuels Creative Work Ethic

In Chapter 8 of 17 in his 2013 Capture Your Flag interview, musician and digital strategist Conrad Doucette answers "Where Did You Learn Your Work Ethic?" Doucette shares ways childhood experiences shaped his creative work ethic. From moving to many new places to having hands-off parents who allowed him to explore, Doucette develops creative tools he uses as an adult working in digital media and performing as a drummer with different artists. Conrad Doucette is a Brooklyn musician and the drummer for the band Takka Takka. He has performed with Bob Weir of the Grateful Dead, The National, Alina Simone, and many other leading acts. When not performing music, Doucette is the communications and brand director at music licensing and publishing startup Jingle Punks. Doucette earned a BA in History from the University of Michigan. 

Conrad Doucette on Finding His Passion Playing Music in High School

In Chapter 9 of 17 in his 2013 Capture Your Flag interview, musician and digital strategist Conrad Doucette answers "What Childhood Experiences Have Been Most Fundamental to Shaping Who You Are Today?" Doucette shares how high school music experiences - from playing in bands to singing in choirs to being a marching band drummer - helped him find his passion and and hone his talent for music. He finds playing music, not sports, allows him to build confidence that helps him relax and learn outside the classroom.

Conrad Doucette is a Brooklyn musician and the drummer for the band Takka Takka. He has performed with Bob Weir of the Grateful Dead, The National, Alina Simone, and many other leading acts. When not performing music, Doucette is the communications and brand director at music licensing and publishing startup Jingle Punks. Doucette earned a BA in History from the University of Michigan. 

Conrad Doucette on the Career Benefits of a Liberal Arts Education

In Chapter 10 of 17 in his 2013 Capture Your Flag interview, musician and digital strategist Conrad Doucette answers "Where Has Your Liberal Arts Education Been Most Valuable in Your Career?" Doucette finds not specializing at college (e.g., engineering, business) gives him a broad palette of tools to apply in a range of team-based environments. He is able to translate the openness he receives studying at the University of Michigan into confidence he uses working on creative project teams in music and at Internet startups.

Conrad Doucette is a Brooklyn musician and the drummer for the band Takka Takka. He has performed with Bob Weir of the Grateful Dead, The National, Alina Simone, and many other leading acts. When not performing music, Doucette is the communications and brand director at music licensing and publishing startup Jingle Punks. Doucette earned a BA in History from the University of Michigan. 

Conrad Doucette on Making the Most of Your First Job After College

In Chapter 11 of 17 in his 2013 Capture Your Flag interview, musician and digital strategist Conrad Doucette answers "What Did You Learn in Your First Job After College That is Still Relevant Today?" After graduating college and starting an entry-level job, Doucette learns how to work as part of a team, get along with others, and operate as an employee in a corporate hierarchy structure. He finds these people skills of long-term value in his career.

Conrad Doucette is a Brooklyn musician and the drummer for the band Takka Takka. He has performed with Bob Weir of the Grateful Dead, The National, Alina Simone, and many other leading acts. When not performing music, Doucette is the communications and brand director at music licensing and publishing startup Jingle Punks. Doucette earned a BA in History from the University of Michigan. 

Conrad Doucette on How to Wear Many Hats Working a Startup Job

In Chapter 12 of 17 in his 2013 Capture Your Flag interview, musician and digital strategist Conrad Doucette answers "How Are Your Job Responsibilities Changing as You Gain Experience?" Doucette shares how his diverse digital media experience helps him fill startup roles that require generalists to "wear many hats" on the job.

Conrad Doucette is a Brooklyn musician and the drummer for the band Takka Takka. He has performed with Bob Weir of the Grateful Dead, The National, Alina Simone, and many other leading acts. When not performing music, Doucette is the communications and brand director at music licensing and publishing startup Jingle Punks. Doucette earned a BA in History from the University of Michigan. 

Conrad Doucette on What You Learn Working at Fast Growing Startups

In Chapter 13 of 17 in his 2013 Capture Your Flag interview, musician and digital strategist Conrad Doucette answers "How Does Working at This Startup Compare and Contrast With the Startups That You've Worked With in the Past?" Over and over again in his startup job experiences, Doucette learns that startups will always lack the institutional memory and infrastructure of larger companies such as Proctor and Gamble. As a result, startups always need to be responsive and flexible to staff and solve these issues and problems spontaneously as they arise.

Conrad Doucette is a Brooklyn musician and the drummer for the band Takka Takka. He has performed with Bob Weir of the Grateful Dead, The National, Alina Simone, and many other leading acts. When not performing music, Doucette is the communications and brand director at music licensing and publishing startup Jingle Punks. Doucette earned a BA in History from the University of Michigan. 

Conrad Doucette on How to Handle a High Pressure Job at a Startup

In Chapter 14 of 17 in his 2013 Capture Your Flag interview, musician and digital strategist Conrad Doucette answers "What Does It Mean to Perform Under Pressure in the Work That You Do?" Doucette finds constantly working in high-pressure job environments teaches him how to turn the chaos into calm, in what he terms a "Zen plateau" or "beautiful, bright soundscape." He also notes that pressure can feel like no pressure and no pressure can feel like pressure.

Conrad Doucette is a Brooklyn musician and the drummer for the band Takka Takka. He has performed with Bob Weir of the Grateful Dead, The National, Alina Simone, and many other leading acts. When not performing music, Doucette is the communications and brand director at music licensing and publishing startup Jingle Punks. Doucette earned a BA in History from the University of Michigan. 

Conrad Doucette on Improving Creative Direction Communication

In Chapter 15 of 17 in his 2013 Capture Your Flag interview, musician and digital strategist Conrad Doucette answers "How Are You Learning to Communicate More Effectively?" He finds communication is trial-and-error and learn as you go. In his work both giving creative direction and receiving creative direction, he finds a more open communication style built on trust and positivity works best.

Conrad Doucette is a Brooklyn musician and the drummer for the band Takka Takka. He has performed with Bob Weir of the Grateful Dead, The National, Alina Simone, and many other leading acts. When not performing music, Doucette is the communications and brand director at music licensing and publishing startup Jingle Punks. Doucette earned a BA in History from the University of Michigan. 

Conrad Doucette on Taking UX Classes to Broaden Digital Job Skills

In Chapter 16 of 17 in his 2013 Capture Your Flag interview, musician and digital strategist Conrad Doucette answers "What Skills Are You Working on Right Now to Become Better at Your Job?" Doucette signs up for a User Experience Design - or UX Design - bootcamp course at Skillshare to get back into the classroom and build new digital media job skills. He finds the experience of returning to the classroom reignites his passion for learning.

Conrad Doucette is a Brooklyn musician and the drummer for the band Takka Takka. He has performed with Bob Weir of the Grateful Dead, The National, Alina Simone, and many other leading acts. When not performing music, Doucette is the communications and brand director at music licensing and publishing startup Jingle Punks. Doucette earned a BA in History from the University of Michigan. 

Conrad Doucette on Giving Better Advice When Asked for Help

In Chapter 17 of 17 in his 2013 Capture Your Flag interview, musician and digital strategist Conrad Doucette answers "How Have You Learned to Give Better Advice When People Ask You For Help?" Doucette puts himself in the shoes of the person asking for advice. In his younger years he would have dispensed advice based on his point of view rather than the perspective of the person asking for advice.

Conrad Doucette is a Brooklyn musician and the drummer for the band Takka Takka. He has performed with Bob Weir of the Grateful Dead, The National, Alina Simone, and many other leading acts. When not performing music, Doucette is the communications and brand director at music licensing and publishing startup Jingle Punks. Doucette earned a BA in History from the University of Michigan. 

What Media Companies Look for when Hiring College Graduates - Conrad Doucette

In Chapter 5 of 13 in his 2009 Capture Your Flag interview, musician and writer Conrad Doucette reflects on his post-college years and big media and Internet job experience (MTV,, Fuse). Doucette advises recent college graduate job seekers to use their youth, curiosity, and energy as strengths. Media companies seek these attributes, not industry experience, when hiring recent college graduates. Doucette found his own direction post-college during months living in London.  He spends the London months listening, not talking, learning the practical elements that motivate him, including media, big cities and industries that produced the things he loved. This, and an expired visa, then result in his move to New York City, where he lands his first Internet media job at


Erik Michielsen: To what did you aspire as a college graduate and, compared to where you are now, what has changed?

Conrad Doucette: I did not know what I wanted to do, which I think is normal.  But, I did know what my interests were, which in retrospect I’m pleasantly surprised with myself.  I knew enough that I wanted to go find others and be somewhere where I could figure things out.  When I graduated, I went to go live in London for eight months.

Erik Michielsen: How did it inform how you developed?

Conrad Doucette: I was an outsider right away, which is fine.  I have no problem with that.  It forces you to be on your toes more.  I became more of an observer and listener than a talker.  I saw what others were doing but realized I had to surround myself with certain elements to achieve what I want.

Erik Michielsen:  What elements?

Practical elements.  I enjoyed the media.  I enjoyed big cities.  I enjoyed being around the industries that produced the stuff I loved.  When England kicked me out after my visa ran out – otherwise I would have happily stayed – I came back and moved to New York.  I had a bunch of friends, bizarrely, from my Canadian high school living here.  All of my closest friends were here.  I got dropped running into New York life.  It was through a high school friend that I started at my first full time job which is  Which is how I got involved in web.

Conrad Doucette:  It’s funny, they say that connections are everything.  I’m glad I had that connection. If there is one thing I could change about my post collegiate one or two years.  …  I felt the city was almost overwhelming.  I was happy to be here.  I don’t know how to go work at MTV.  Now that I’ve worked at MTV on stuff and work at Fuse and other big media companies, I know it is a snap and I know we are always on the lookout for somewhat smart, definitely excited young people.