Video Interviews — Capture Your Flag

Erik Michielsen

Erik Michielsen is founder and CEO of Capture Your Flag. He founded Capture Your Flag in 2009 to promote Near Peer Learning as an approachable alternative to expert- and peer-based learning. An expert interviewer, Michielsen facilitates knowledge sharing by interviewing select rising leaders annually, charting their development over time to document ways aspirational careers develop. Interviews are segmented by question, creating knowledge rich and thematic driven video learning experiences used by millions worldwide. Before Capture Your Flag, Erik honed his passions for interviewing, rising leaders and idea innovation as an executive with boutique research firm ABI Research. He is a board member to non-profit Kilifi Kids and its mission to eradicate child malnutrition by using mobile health solutions. He holds an MBA from Duke University and a BA in Economics from the University of Michigan. Erik loves competing in both cooking competitions and long distance races, including the 2009, 2010, and 2013 New York City marathons.

All Video Interviews

Anatole Faykin on How to Make the Most of Living in a City

In Chapter 1 of 12 in his 2012 Capture Your Flag interview, entrepreneur Anatole Faykin answers "How Do You Make the Most of Living in the City?"  For Faykin, it comes down to walkable cities.  Cities such as Beijing challenge Faykin because they are not very walkable.  He contrasts this with Shanghai which has more pedestrian and walker friendly neighborhoods.  He finds New York City a very walkable city and as a result has enjoyed exploring it and living in it. 

Anatole Faykin is an entrepreneur currently working on a new startup as part of the Startup Chile incubator program in Santiago, Chile.  Previously, Faykin founded Tuanpin, a Shanghai, China-based daily deals site he grew to 25 employees and sold in the fall of 2011. He has worked for British Telecom in London, Intel in Shanghai, American Express in New York, and Oracle in San Francisco as well as several startups. He holds an MBA from the NYU Stern School of Business and a BS in computer science and biology from the California Institute of Technology.

Anatole Faykin on Getting to Know Yourself By Traveling Abroad

In Chapter 2 of 12 in his 2012 Capture Your Flag interview, entrepreneur Anatole Faykin answers "What Did Traveling Abroad This Past Year Teach You About Yourself?"   Faykin shares two abroad experiences and how they each informed his understanding of self.  First, he takes a trip with his best friends to Peru to hike Machu Picchu, which reminds him about the importance of friendship in his life.  The second trip is a wedding hopping trip to Australia, Singapore and Indonesia - three weddings in five weeks in the Far East.  Traveling alone in between the weddings, Faykin realizes he does not enjoy traveling alone as much as he used to in his younger days. 

Anatole Faykin is an entrepreneur currently working on a new startup as part of the Startup Chile incubator program in Santiago, Chile.  Previously, Faykin founded Tuanpin, a Shanghai, China-based daily deals site he grew to 25 employees and sold in the fall of 2011. He has worked for British Telecom in London, Intel in Shanghai, American Express in New York, and Oracle in San Francisco as well as several startups. He holds an MBA from the NYU Stern School of Business and a BS in computer science and biology from the California Institute of Technology.

Anatole Faykin on How Reflection Informs Personal Growth

In Chapter 3 of 12 in his 2012 Capture Your Flag interview, entrepreneur Anatole Faykin answers "What Role Has Reflection Played in Shaping Your Personal Growth?"  Faykin finds it hard to realize and define his growth without reflecting.  He prefers not to reflect alone; rather he enjoys having a friend's company and talking through what has happened and how it informs his present and future state. 

Anatole Faykin is an entrepreneur currently working on a new startup as part of the Startup Chile incubator program in Santiago, Chile.  Previously, Faykin founded Tuanpin, a Shanghai, China-based daily deals site he grew to 25 employees and sold in the fall of 2011. He has worked for British Telecom in London, Intel in Shanghai, American Express in New York, and Oracle in San Francisco as well as several startups. He holds an MBA from the NYU Stern School of Business and a BS in computer science and biology from the California Institute of Technology.

Antatole Faykin on Where to Get Relationship Advice in Your Mid 30s

In Chapter 4 of 12 in his 2012 Capture Your Flag interview, entrepreneur Anatole Faykin answers "At This Point in Your Life, Where Are You Seeking Advice and Coaching?"  Faykin still finds himself asking his closest friends for advice.  He finds the friends he has known a long while are able to understand where he is coming from and give him answers.  Faykin finds this useful asking his friends about what it is like to settle down and start a family. 

Anatole Faykin is an entrepreneur currently working on a new startup as part of the Startup Chile incubator program in Santiago, Chile.  Previously, Faykin founded Tuanpin, a Shanghai, China-based daily deals site he grew to 25 employees and sold in the fall of 2011. He has worked for British Telecom in London, Intel in Shanghai, American Express in New York, and Oracle in San Francisco as well as several startups. He holds an MBA from the NYU Stern School of Business and a BS in computer science and biology from the California Institute of Technology.

Anatole Faykin on How Personal Priorities Change With Age

In Chapter 5 of 12 in his 2012 Capture Your Flag interview, entrepreneur Anatole Faykin answers "How Are Your Personal Priorities Changing as You Get Older?"  Faykin notes how not settling down in a marriage while he was in his 20s has him looking for love in his mid-30s.  As he looks for a long-term relationship that he hopes turns into marriage and starting a family, Faykin notes the challenge of having big conversations on early dates.  He also addresses challenges that come from society not encouraging waiting to get married as well as the challenge that comes with his jet setting international lifestyle. 

Anatole Faykin is an entrepreneur currently working on a new startup as part of the Startup Chile incubator program in Santiago, Chile.  Previously, Faykin founded Tuanpin, a Shanghai, China-based daily deals site he grew to 25 employees and sold in the fall of 2011. He has worked for British Telecom in London, Intel in Shanghai, American Express in New York, and Oracle in San Francisco as well as several startups. He holds an MBA from the NYU Stern School of Business and a BS in computer science and biology from the California Institute of Technology.

Anatole Faykin on Founding and Selling an Internet Startup

In Chapter 6 of 12 in his 2012 Capture Your Flag interview, entrepreneur Anatole Faykin answers "What Were the Main Learning Points From Starting and Selling a Company?"  He talks about the massive amount of uncertainty starting and growing a company and managing the adverse climate that comes with that.  He notes how Internet startups operate in a fluid, fast changing market that requires quick adaptation to changing market conditions.  Faykin shares how a fast changing environment requires short term, incremental goals along with being open-minded for change and new opportunities.  Anatole Faykin is an entrepreneur currently working on a new startup as part of the Startup Chile incubator program in Santiago, Chile.  Previously, Faykin founded Tuanpin, a Shanghai, China-based daily deals site he grew to 25 employees and sold in the fall of 2011. He has worked for British Telecom in London, Intel in Shanghai, American Express in New York, and Oracle in San Francisco as well as several startups. He holds an MBA from the NYU Stern School of Business and a BS in computer science and biology from the California Institute of Technology.

Anatole Faykin: How Entrepreneurship Facilitates Personal Growth

In Chapter 7 of 12 in his 2012 Capture Your Flag interview, entrepreneur Anatole Faykin answers "How Have Your Entrepreneurial Experiences Helped You Grow as a Person?"  Faykin shares how his experience building teams, products and businesses as an entrepreneur have made him more confident.  He gains confidence as he builds experience.  He notes why it is important not to confuse confidence for arrogance or foolishness. 

Anatole Faykin is an entrepreneur currently working on a new startup as part of the Startup Chile incubator program in Santiago, Chile.  Previously, Faykin founded Tuanpin, a Shanghai, China-based daily deals site he grew to 25 employees and sold in the fall of 2011. He has worked for British Telecom in London, Intel in Shanghai, American Express in New York, and Oracle in San Francisco as well as several startups. He holds an MBA from the NYU Stern School of Business and a BS in computer science and biology from the California Institute of Technology.

Anatole Faykin: How to Improve Entrepreneurship MBA Programs

In Chapter 8 of 12 in his 2012 Capture Your Flag interview, entrepreneur Anatole Faykin answers "How Can MBA Programs Better Educate Entrepreneurs?"  Faykin notes that for business school programs to more effectively teach entrepreneurship, it is paramount students are forced to actually create and launch a startup while in school.  He points out that a graduate business school environment does provide MBA students studying entrepreneurship benefits, in particular the ability to start something in a low-risk environment. 

Anatole Faykin is an entrepreneur currently working on a new startup as part of the Startup Chile incubator program in Santiago, Chile.  Previously, Faykin founded Tuanpin, a Shanghai, China-based daily deals site he grew to 25 employees and sold in the fall of 2011. He has worked for British Telecom in London, Intel in Shanghai, American Express in New York, and Oracle in San Francisco as well as several startups. He holds an MBA from the NYU Stern School of Business and a BS in computer science and biology from the California Institute of Technology.

Anatole Faykin: How to Better Manage Project Time Commitments

In Chapter 9 of 12 in his 2012 Capture Your Flag interview, entrepreneur Anatole Faykin answers "How Do You Balance Experimentation and Commitment in the Projects You Pursue?"  Faykin notes he does not make it a point to find balance between testing new ideas and working on larger projects.  He notes time is elastic and allows you to get things done as the come up.  Faykin notes the need to identify what you want to do and then how to get it done.  He does highlight the importance of having open, frank conversations and making sure to set expectations with your clients or teams. 

Anatole Faykin is an entrepreneur currently working on a new startup as part of the Startup Chile incubator program in Santiago, Chile.  Previously, Faykin founded Tuanpin, a Shanghai, China-based daily deals site he grew to 25 employees and sold in the fall of 2011. He has worked for British Telecom in London, Intel in Shanghai, American Express in New York, and Oracle in San Francisco as well as several startups. He holds an MBA from the NYU Stern School of Business and a BS in computer science and biology from the California Institute of Technology.

Anatole Faykin: How to Turn Your Bad Habits Into Strengths

In Chapter 10 of 12 in his 2012 Capture Your Flag interview, entrepreneur Anatole Faykin answers "How Are You Learning to Better Manage Your Time and Commitments?"  Faykin notes he is not improving how he manages his time and commitments.  He finds it more important to having the freedom to get things done and using creativity and flexibility to meet deadlines and project goals.  He notes "bad habits die hard" and that changing your style is not always better than learning to work within your style. 

Anatole Faykin is an entrepreneur currently working on a new startup as part of the Startup Chile incubator program in Santiago, Chile.  Previously, Faykin founded Tuanpin, a Shanghai, China-based daily deals site he grew to 25 employees and sold in the fall of 2011. He has worked for British Telecom in London, Intel in Shanghai, American Express in New York, and Oracle in San Francisco as well as several startups. He holds an MBA from the NYU Stern School of Business and a BS in computer science and biology from the California Institute of Technology.

Anatole Faykin: How Oracle Silicon Valley Job Teaches Work Ethic

In Chapter 11 of 12 in his 2012 Capture Your Flag interview, entrepreneur Anatole Faykin answers "Where Did You Learn Your Work Ethic?"  Starting his career in Silicon Valley teaches Faykin it is not about set working hours or face time and more about getting projects done by deadlines.  His entry-level experience working at Oracle influences his later career choices as an entrepreneur to create flexible workplace cultures. 

Anatole Faykin is an entrepreneur currently working on a new startup as part of the Startup Chile incubator program in Santiago, Chile.  Previously, Faykin founded Tuanpin, a Shanghai, China-based daily deals site he grew to 25 employees and sold in the fall of 2011. He has worked for British Telecom in London, Intel in Shanghai, American Express in New York, and Oracle in San Francisco as well as several startups. He holds an MBA from the NYU Stern School of Business and a BS in computer science and biology from the California Institute of Technology.

Anatole Faykin: Why to Have Startup Co-Founders Who Are Lawyers

In Chapter 12 of 12 in his 2012 Capture Your Flag interview, entrepreneur Anatole Faykin answers "What Has Working With Lawyers Taught You About Business?"  Faykin joins a startup founded by two lawyers as a co-founder.  He quickly realizes each brings very different skills and, over time, learns to complement their negotiation and contract work with an operations and product development focus. 

Anatole Faykin is an entrepreneur currently working on a new startup as part of the Startup Chile incubator program in Santiago, Chile.  Previously, Faykin founded Tuanpin, a Shanghai, China-based daily deals site he grew to 25 employees and sold in the fall of 2011. He has worked for British Telecom in London, Intel in Shanghai, American Express in New York, and Oracle in San Francisco as well as several startups. He holds an MBA from the NYU Stern School of Business and a BS in computer science and biology from the California Institute of Technology.

Conrad Doucette on How Personal Priorities Change With Age

In Chapter 1 of 19 in his 2012 Capture Your Flag interview, musician Conrad Doucette answers "How Are Your Personal Priorities Changing as You Get Older?"  In his younger days, Doucette notes how his life was more narrowly focused.  As he gets older and his family relationships grow, he becomes more aware of the people in his life and caring for their respective needs and wellbeing. 

Conrad Doucette is a Brooklyn musician and the drummer for Takka Takka, which released its 3rd studio album, AM Landscapes, in late 2012.  He has performed with Bob Weir of the Grateful Dead, The National, Alina Simone, and many other leading acts.  When not performing music, Doucette is the communications and brand director at music licensing and publishing startup Jingle Punks.  Doucette earned a BA in History from the University of Michigan.

Conrad Doucette on What Makes a Music Career Meaningful

In Chapter 2 of 19 in his 2012 Capture Your Flag interview, musician Conrad Doucette answers "What Makes Your Work Meaningful?"  Doucette finds music engages him in a heartfelt, soulful way.  All his life Doucette has wanted to play music and it is a feeling he cannot imagine not having in his life. 

Conrad Doucette is a Brooklyn musician and the drummer for Takka Takka, which released its 3rd studio album, AM Landscapes, in late 2012.  He has performed with Bob Weir of the Grateful Dead, The National, Alina Simone, and many other leading acts.  When not performing music, Doucette is the communications and brand director at music licensing and publishing startup Jingle Punks.  Doucette earned a BA in History from the University of Michigan.

Conrad Doucette: The Best Part About Being a Professional Musician

In Chapter 3 of 19 in his 2012 Capture Your Flag interview, musician Conrad Doucette answers "What Do You Enjoy Most About What You Do?"  As a professional musician, Doucette compares playing music to getting a natural high or "runner's high."  Playing music forces Doucette to face his own self, to engage his mind, and to receive the physical adrenaline, all of which electrify and inspire him and his work. 

Conrad Doucette is a Brooklyn musician and the drummer for Takka Takka, which released its 3rd studio album, AM Landscapes, in late 2012.  He has performed with Bob Weir of the Grateful Dead, The National, Alina Simone, and many other leading acts.  When not performing music, Doucette is the communications and brand director at music licensing and publishing startup Jingle Punks.  Doucette earned a BA in History from the University of Michigan.

Conrad Doucette on How Reflection Informs Personal Growth

In Chapter 4 of 19 in his 2012 Capture Your Flag interview, musician Conrad Doucette answers "What Role Has Reflection Played in Shaping Your Personal Growth?"  When Doucette looks back on his past, he reflects on decisions he did and did not make.  As he gets older, he finds he is better prepared to think through why he made those decisions and how to better prepare for the future. 

Conrad Doucette is a Brooklyn musician and the drummer for Takka Takka, which released its 3rd studio album, AM Landscapes, in late 2012.  He has performed with Bob Weir of the Grateful Dead, The National, Alina Simone, and many other leading acts.  When not performing music, Doucette is the communications and brand director at music licensing and publishing startup Jingle Punks.  Doucette earned a BA in History from the University of Michigan.

Finding Daily Inspiration Living in the City - Conrad Doucette

In Chapter 5 of 19 in his 2012 Capture Your Flag interview, musician Conrad Doucette answers "How Do You Make the Most of Living in the City?"  Doucette speaks to the daily interaction of coming into contact with artistic, creative and passionate people.  He shares what he enjoyed about getting out of the big city and traveling out of town to Woodstock, New York, where he found musical inspiration.  He realizes how he enjoys both city life and rural life but at his core the city life comes down to daily inspiration that can't be beat. 

Conrad Doucette is a Brooklyn musician and the drummer for Takka Takka, which released its 3rd studio album, AM Landscapes, in late 2012.  He has performed with Bob Weir of the Grateful Dead, The National, Alina Simone, and many other leading acts.  When not performing music, Doucette is the communications and brand director at music licensing and publishing startup Jingle Punks.  Doucette earned a BA in History from the University of Michigan.

Conrad Doucette on How Family Relationships Change With Age

In Chapter 6 of 19 in his 2012 Capture Your Flag interview, musician Conrad Doucette answers "How Are Your Family Relationships Changing As You Get Older?"  Doucette notes how he is becoming more aware of what his family members have gone through in the past.  As he gets older he seeks to learn and appreciate the lives of his parents.  As an uncle watching his nieces and nephews growing up, Doucette is reminded of a child's view of the world. 

Conrad Doucette is a Brooklyn musician and the drummer for Takka Takka, which released its 3rd studio album, AM Landscapes, in late 2012.  He has performed with Bob Weir of the Grateful Dead, The National, Alina Simone, and many other leading acts.  When not performing music, Doucette is the communications and brand director at music licensing and publishing startup Jingle Punks.  Doucette earned a BA in History from the University of Michigan.