Video Interviews — Capture Your Flag

Erik Michielsen

Erik Michielsen is founder and CEO of Capture Your Flag. He founded Capture Your Flag in 2009 to promote Near Peer Learning as an approachable alternative to expert- and peer-based learning. An expert interviewer, Michielsen facilitates knowledge sharing by interviewing select rising leaders annually, charting their development over time to document ways aspirational careers develop. Interviews are segmented by question, creating knowledge rich and thematic driven video learning experiences used by millions worldwide. Before Capture Your Flag, Erik honed his passions for interviewing, rising leaders and idea innovation as an executive with boutique research firm ABI Research. He is a board member to non-profit Kilifi Kids and its mission to eradicate child malnutrition by using mobile health solutions. He holds an MBA from Duke University and a BA in Economics from the University of Michigan. Erik loves competing in both cooking competitions and long distance races, including the 2009, 2010, and 2013 New York City marathons.

All Video Interviews

How Nieces and Nephews Inspire Creative Thinking - Conrad Doucette

In Chapter 7 of 19 in his 2012 Capture Your Flag interview, musician Conrad Doucette answers "What Have You Found Most Gratifying About Being an Uncle?"  Doucette, an uncle to multiple nieces and nephews, details the joys of having young children in his live.  He finds it eye-opening to see things through a child's eyes, especially creative tools.  Seeing the creative side flourish in his nieces and nephews provides Doucette creative inspiration in his music writing and playing. 

Conrad Doucette is a Brooklyn musician and the drummer for Takka Takka, which released its 3rd studio album, AM Landscapes, in late 2012.  He has performed with Bob Weir of the Grateful Dead, The National, Alina Simone, and many other leading acts.  When not performing music, Doucette is the communications and brand director at music licensing and publishing startup Jingle Punks.  Doucette earned a BA in History from the University of Michigan.

What Copywriter Enjoys About His Work - Conrad Doucette

In Chapter 8 of 19 in his 2012 Capture Your Flag interview, musician Conrad Doucette answers "What Do You Enjoy About Copywriting?"  Doucette finds his work as a copywriter rewarding in that it taps into both his left and right brain skills.  In terms of right-brain creative thinking, he finds creating something from a blank canvas stimulating and challenging.  In terms of left-brain logical thinking, Doucette enjoys the mathematical or scientific element of copywriting work that uses specific elements to convey a concept, idea or message inside set parameters or boundaries. 

Conrad Doucette is a Brooklyn musician and the drummer for Takka Takka, which released its 3rd studio album, AM Landscapes, in late 2012.  He has performed with Bob Weir of the Grateful Dead, The National, Alina Simone, and many other leading acts.  When not performing music, Doucette is the communications and brand director at music licensing and publishing startup Jingle Punks.  Doucette earned a BA in History from the University of Michigan.

How to Find Work in Creative Writing and Music - Conrad Doucette

In Chapter 9 of 19 in his 2012 Capture Your Flag interview, musician Conrad Doucette answers "How Are You Finding New Ways to Find Jobs That Blend Your Passions for Writing and Music?"  Doucette shares that he did not know what exactly he wanted to do but knew he would find it in New York City.  By putting himself in close proximity to inspiring individuals in digital media, creative writing and music, he meets people who share similar passions.  Doucette continues to do this as he moves into writing, copywriting, digital producer, branding and communications jobs.  Each gives him an opportunity not only to work with musicians but also with people who share many of the same goals. 

Conrad Doucette is a Brooklyn musician and the drummer for Takka Takka, which released its 3rd studio album, AM Landscapes, in late 2012.  He has performed with Bob Weir of the Grateful Dead, The National, Alina Simone, and many other leading acts.  When not performing music, Doucette is the communications and brand director at music licensing and publishing startup Jingle Punks.  Doucette earned a BA in History from the University of Michigan.

Creative Ways to Practice Your Instrument - Conrad Doucette

In Chapter 10 of 19 in his 2012 Capture Your Flag interview, musician Conrad Doucette answers "Where Are You Trying to Improve Most as a Professional Musician?"  For Doucette, improvement is tied to sharpening his fundamental skills.  As a drummer, practicing rudiments, playing a full kit, working off instructional books and performing with others all point Doucette to a specific conclusion: the more he plays the more he realizes he should be practicing more. 

Conrad Doucette is a Brooklyn musician and the drummer for Takka Takka, which released its 3rd studio album, AM Landscapes, in late 2012.  He has performed with Bob Weir of the Grateful Dead, The National, Alina Simone, and many other leading acts.  When not performing music, Doucette is the communications and brand director at music licensing and publishing startup Jingle Punks.  Doucette earned a BA in History from the University of Michigan.

How Band Builds a Team to Record New Album - Conrad Doucette

In Chapter 11 of 19 in his 2012 Capture Your Flag interview, musician Conrad Doucette answers "Where Has Outside Support Been Most Useful in Helping Your Band Improve as a Team?"  Doucette shares the stages and team members involved in recording his band Takka Takka's latest album, AM Landscapes.  From the engineering to the mixing to the producing to the arranging to the mastering, the band partners with top talent that brings the recording together. 

Conrad Doucette is a Brooklyn musician and the drummer for Takka Takka, which released its 3rd studio album, AM Landscapes, in late 2012.  He has performed with Bob Weir of the Grateful Dead, The National, Alina Simone, and many other leading acts.  When not performing music, Doucette is the communications and brand director at music licensing and publishing startup Jingle Punks.  Doucette earned a BA in History from the University of Michigan.

How Band Member Roles Change as Album Gets Made - Conrad Doucette

In Chapter 12 of 19 in his 2012 Capture Your Flag interview, musician Conrad Doucette answers "How Are Your Responsibilities Changing as Your Band Prepares to Release a New Album?"  Doucette notes how band member roles change from the recording process through the record release process and the touring process.  He notes the importance of being adaptable and embracing the different roles required at each stage of the process.  Conrad Doucette is a Brooklyn musician and the drummer for Takka Takka, which released its 3rd studio album, AM Landscapes, in late 2012.  He has performed with Bob Weir of the Grateful Dead, The National, Alina Simone, and many other leading acts.  When not performing music, Doucette is the communications and brand director at music licensing and publishing startup Jingle Punks.  Doucette earned a BA in History from the University of Michigan.

Why Song Order and Set Lists Matter in Music - Conrad Doucette

In Chapter 13 of 19 in his 2012 Capture Your Flag interview, musician Conrad Doucette answers "What Role Does Song Order Play When Producing an Album?"  Conrad Conrad expresses why song order is so important to him and his band, referencing his younger days following the Grateful Dead and being passionate about the different show set lists and the stories that come with them.  He notes the same is true when making an album and how song order is fundamental to the emotions and feelings an album listening experience can create in the narrative or storytelling it delivers.  Doucette is a Brooklyn musician and the drummer for Takka Takka, which released its 3rd studio album, AM Landscapes, in late 2012.  He has performed with Bob Weir of the Grateful Dead, The National, Alina Simone, and many other leading acts.  When not performing music, Doucette is the communications and brand director at music licensing and publishing startup Jingle Punks.  Doucette earned a BA in History from the University of Michigan.

Comparing Live Performance with Studio Recording - Conrad Doucette

In Chapter 14 of 19 in his 2012 Capture Your Flag interview, musician Conrad Doucette answers "How Do You Compare and Contrast Performing Live to Recording in a Studio?"  Doucette notes they are completely different.  For him, recording in a studio is about trying to attain perfection.  It must map to your particular vision and it will be permanent, as it is a recording.  He also notes how recording allows you to bring substantial resources to bear on the work, from additional tracks to technology to additional musicians.  Playing live is more about feeding off the space, the room, and the energy and being in the moment.  Conrad Doucette is a Brooklyn musician and the drummer for Takka Takka, which released its 3rd studio album, AM Landscapes, in late 2012.  He has performed with Bob Weir of the Grateful Dead, The National, Alina Simone, and many other leading acts.  When not performing music, Doucette is the communications and brand director at music licensing and publishing startup Jingle Punks.  Doucette earned a BA in History from the University of Michigan.

The Role Patience Plays Making a New Record - Conrad Doucette

In Chapter 15 of 19 in his 2012 Capture Your Flag interview, musician Conrad Doucette answers "What Have You Found Most Fulfilling About Recording Your Most Recent Takka Takka Album?"  Doucette shares how each member of the Takka Takka band is a musician and also has responsibilities outside the band.  In making the AM Landscapes record, Doucette finds it rewarding the band was able to improve as musicians while living normal lives. He notes how the album recording process was spread out over time, which causes you to live with what you recorded and get to know the songs more intimately before finalizing the recordings.  Conrad Doucette is a Brooklyn musician and the drummer for Takka Takka, which released its 3rd studio album, AM Landscapes, in late 2012.  He has performed with Bob Weir of the Grateful Dead, The National, Alina Simone, and many other leading acts.  When not performing music, Doucette is the communications and brand director at music licensing and publishing startup Jingle Punks.  Doucette earned a BA in History from the University of Michigan.

How Networking Helps Develop Musician Career - Conrad Doucette

In Chapter 16 of 19 in his 2012 Capture Your Flag interview, musician Conrad Doucette answers "How is Your Network Helping Your Music Career Develop?"  First, Doucette notes how meeting people opens new doors to play with and be inspired by different people, different bands.  Second, he notes how playing in different groups or ensembles helps develop musician skills.  Lastly, making connections opens doors to unexpected opportunities.  Doucette shares how playing with The National opens doors to joining them in a Headcount sponsored concert with Bob Weir and select Brooklyn musicians. 

Conrad Doucette is a Brooklyn musician and the drummer for Takka Takka, which released its 3rd studio album, AM Landscapes, in late 2012.  He has performed with Bob Weir of the Grateful Dead, The National, Alina Simone, and many other leading acts.  When not performing music, Doucette is the communications and brand director at music licensing and publishing startup Jingle Punks.  Doucette earned a BA in History from the University of Michigan.

Conrad Doucette on Getting to Play With Bob Weir of the Grateful Dead

In Chapter 17 of 19 in his 2012 Capture Your Flag interview, musician Conrad Doucette answers "What Did It Mean to You to Get Asked to Play With Bob Weir of the Grateful Dead?"  A longtime fan of the Grateful Dead and Bob Weir's rhythm guitar playing, Conrad sees a dream come true when asked to join The National and play Grateful Dead songs with Bob Weir for the Bridge Sessions in March 2012.  The preparation for the performance gives Doucette a first-hand view of watching a master, Weir, rehearse for a show and direct the band.  Conrad Doucette is a Brooklyn musician and the drummer for Takka Takka, which released its 3rd studio album, AM Landscapes, in late 2012.  He has performed with Bob Weir of the Grateful Dead, The National, Alina Simone, and many other leading acts.  When not performing music, Doucette is the communications and brand director at music licensing and publishing startup Jingle Punks.  Doucette earned a BA in History from the University of Michigan.

What Performing With Bob Weir Teaches Musician Conrad Doucette

In Chapter 18 of 19 in his 2012 Capture Your Flag interview, musician Conrad Doucette answers "What Did Bob Weir Teach You When You Played With Him Earlier This Year?"  Doucette gets to play with Bob Weir of the Grateful Dead in early 2012.  Bob Weir shows Doucette how he directs a band and puts an improvisational structure in place.  Weir gives Doucette and his bandmates lessons on how listening can feed improvisational music moments.  Additionally, learns Bob Weir is as much a master musician as he thought but also that he is as human as anyone else playing in the band. 

Conrad Doucette is a Brooklyn musician and the drummer for Takka Takka, which released its 3rd studio album, AM Landscapes, in late 2012.  He has performed with Bob Weir of the Grateful Dead, The National, Alina Simone, and many other leading acts.  When not performing music, Doucette is the communications and brand director at music licensing and publishing startup Jingle Punks.  Doucette earned a BA in History from the University of Michigan.

How Being Assertive Builds Confidence - Conrad Doucette

In Chapter 19 of 19 in his 2012 Capture Your Flag interview, musician Conrad Doucette answers "Where Are You Becoming More Confident?"  Doucette notes how he is becoming more confident by asserting himself.  He notes how he is becoming more aware in his life and career and the experience that comes with it.  By being more aware, Doucette better knows when to assert himself and take action, which gives him confidence he can do it more regularly and in different aspects of his life.  It teaches Doucette to bring out the best in other people and to identify his own weak points and make them stronger.  As he sets future goals, including releasing and promoting a new Takka Takka album - AM Landscapes - and playing with musicians outside his band. 

Conrad Doucette is a Brooklyn musician and the drummer for Takka Takka, which released its 3rd studio album, AM Landscapes, in late 2012.  He has performed with Bob Weir of the Grateful Dead, The National, Alina Simone, and many other leading acts.  When not performing music, Doucette is the communications and brand director at music licensing and publishing startup Jingle Punks.  Doucette earned a BA in History from the University of Michigan.

Matt Ruby on How Childhood Independent Play Develops Imagination

In Chapter 1 of 19 in his 2012 Capture Your Flag interview, standup comedian Matt Ruby answers "What Childhood Experiences Have Been Most Fundamental in Shaping Who You Are Today?"  Ruby talks about why being left alone to play encouraged his imagination and creative development. 

Matt Ruby is a standup comedian and comedy writer based in New York City.  He produces a video comic strip at, co-produces the weekly show "Hot Soup", co-hosts the monthly show "We're All Friends Here", and writes a comedy blog "Sandpaper Suit".  Ruby graduated from Northwestern University. 

Matt Ruby on How Family Supports Creative Career Aspirations

In Chapter 2 of 19 in his 2012 Capture Your Flag interview, standup comedian Matt Ruby answers "Where Has Your Family Been Most Supportive in Your Career Development?"  Ruby found support in his Mom, an artist and arts supporter, who encouraged him to perform.  He also finds family comfort with leaving each other alone a positive in fostering his imagination and creativity.  Matt Ruby is a standup comedian and comedy writer based in New York City.  He produces a video comic strip at, co-produces the weekly show "Hot Soup", co-hosts the monthly show "We're All Friends Here", and writes a comedy blog "Sandpaper Suit".  Ruby graduated from Northwestern University. 

Matt Ruby on How Family Relationships Change With Age

In Chapter 3 of 19 in his 2012 Capture Your Flag interview, standup comedian Matt Ruby answers "How Are Your Family Relationships Changing As You Get Older?"  Coming from a small family, Ruby realizes the importance of building better bonds with his father and sister and puts an emphasis on hanging out more frequently than he did in the past. 

Matt Ruby is a standup comedian and comedy writer based in New York City.  He produces a video comic strip at, co-produces the weekly show "Hot Soup", co-hosts the monthly show "We're All Friends Here", and writes a comedy blog "Sandpaper Suit".  Ruby graduated from Northwestern University. 

Matt Ruby: How to Go From Good to Great in Standup Comedy

In Chapter 4 of 19 in his 2012 Capture Your Flag interview, standup comedian Matt Ruby answers "How Would You Assess Your Progress To Date as a Standup Comedian?"  Ruby notes that starting out in comedy, he had rapid learning cycles.  As his experience grows, he notes how the the improvements in his comedy work become smaller and less frequent, forcing him to work harder.  This process takes him down the path of killing his own ego and becoming more vulnerable and open on stage. 

Matt Ruby is a standup comedian and comedy writer based in New York City.  He produces a video comic strip at, co-produces the weekly show "Hot Soup", co-hosts the monthly show "We're All Friends Here", and writes a comedy blog "Sandpaper Suit".  Ruby graduated from Northwestern University.

Matt Ruby on Taking Comedy Skills Beyond Just Being Funny

In Chapter 5 of 19 in his 2012 Capture Your Flag interview, standup comedian Matt Ruby talks to Erik Michielsen about honing his comedy voice and improving his skills over time.  Ruby notes that he has more work to do being vulnerable on stage and giving himself greater stakes to make a difference to the audience on stage.  He notes that his work is becoming less about just trying to be funny all the time and instead taking charge of what he wants to talk about and then layer the humor in that work. 

Matt Ruby is a standup comedian and comedy writer based in New York City.  He produces a video comic strip at, co-produces the weekly show "Hot Soup", co-hosts the monthly show "We're All Friends Here", and writes a comedy blog "Sandpaper Suit".  Ruby graduated from Northwestern University.