Cathy Erway on Being Confident by Standing Behind What You Write — Capture Your Flag

Cathy Erway on Being Confident by Standing Behind What You Write

In Chapter 10 of 20 in her 2014 Capture Your Flag interview, author and food writer Cathy Erway answers "What Role Does Confidence Play in the Work That You Do?" Erway shares how being confident as a writer means publishing your own words and standing behind what you write. As an experienced freelance writer, Erway learns to be confident about writing knowing that once something is published it cannot be taken down like a blog entry.

Cathy Erway is an author, food writer, freelance copywriter, radio show host and teacher focused on healthy food advocacy. Her second book, "The Food of Taiwan: Recipes From the Beautiful Island" is a cookbook featuring Taiwanese recipes ranging from homestyle dishes to street food favorites. Her first book, "The Art of Eating In" developed from her blog "Not Eating Out in New York".  Erway earned a BA in creative writing from Emerson College.