Randall Metting: How Holidays With Grandparents Shape Family Values — Capture Your Flag

Randall Metting: How Holidays With Grandparents Shape Family Values

In Chapter 1 of 16 in his 2014 Capture Your Flag interview, Randall Metting answers "What Were Your Grandparents Like and How Did They Influence Your Development?" Metting reflects on holidays spent with his grandparents and their influence on family holiday traditions. As a child, Metting remembers traveling over the holidays from Georgia to spend time with his grandparents in Texas. He fondly recalls the general atmosphere of having the family all together for the traditional Texas Longhorn game against the Texas A&M Aggies.

Randall Metting is a brand development and marketing manager at Dulce Vida Spirits in Austin, Texas. Over 17 years, he has built brands in spirits, luxury real estate and lifestyle, music, and sports industries. He has been a radio personality at KGSR Radio and a marketer at a hyperlocal startup acquired by NBC Universal. Metting earned a BA in Advertising from the University of Florida and started his career at The Coca-Cola Company.