Courtney Spence on How to Make Negotiation Less Stressful — Capture Your Flag

Courtney Spence on How to Make Negotiation Less Stressful

In Chapter 17 of 20 in her 2014 Capture Your Flag interview, nonprofit CEO Courtney Spence answers "What Role Do Negotiation Skills Play in Your Work?" Spence shares how, like confrontation, she traditionally does not enjoy negotiating. To make negotiating less stressful, she tries to bring in trusted teammates for the negotiation. Additionally, she finds it helpful to keep your higher purpose in mind so as to not get lost in the details during the negotiation process.

Courtney Spence is founder and CEO of Students of the World, a nonprofit empowering a diverse network of student and emerging filmmakers to apply storytelling skills in purposeful work. She is also the Founder and CEO of CSpence group, a creative agency building millennial-focused content and programs for brands. Spence earned a BA from Duke University.