Preston Smith on Marriage Encounter Influences on Married Life — Capture Your Flag

Preston Smith on Marriage Encounter Influences on Married Life

In Chapter 12 of 22 in his 2014 Capture Your Flag interview, elementary charter school network CEO Preston Smith answers "What Has Marriage Taught You About Teamwork?" Growing up, Smith watches his parents attend marriage encounter relationship building groups and sees the positive impact it has on their marriage and the family. He learns that marriage is a daily commitment that needs daily attention. By making that daily commitment to marriage and his spouse, Smith finds he learns a lot about life and the importance of staying positive.

Preston Smith is co-founder and CEO of Rocketship Education, the highest performing low-income school system in California. After graduating the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Smith joined Teach for America. After three years teaching 1st Grade, he founded a district school in San Jose and became its principal. Smith was selected as a member of the 2010 class of Aspen Institute New Schools Fellows.